Difference between design pattern and architectural pattern.

  • Design patterns are like recipes for solving problems in software development. They are helpful because they provide ready-made and flexible solutions to common problems that software developers face. These solutions make the software better. Design patterns are focused on fixing problems in a specific type of software design, like how objects are organized and used.
  • Architectural patterns help us to organize how an application is built. They give us a framework for how everything fits together. They decide what things a big program is made of and how they work together. These patterns help us to make sure that our program is easy to change and can grow to handle lots of users. They also help us to keep our program safe.

Top 30 Java Design Patterns Interview Question

If you want to be a ​software developer or ​engineer, you need to know about design patterns. They’re like solutions to common problems in software design. In job interviews, employers ask about design patterns to see if you know what you’re doing. So, it’s important to be ready for those questions. We’ve made a list of 30 design pattern interview questions in Java. They cover different types of design patterns, like ones for creating things, organizing things, and making things work.

Top Java Design Patterns Interview Question

  • Q1: What is a design pattern in Java?
  • Q2: Difference between design pattern and architectural pattern.
  • Q3: What are the types of design patterns in Java?
  • Q4: What is the Singleton design pattern in Java?
  • Q5: What is the Factory Method design pattern in Java?
  • Q6: What is the Observer design pattern in Java?
  • Q7: What is the Adapter design pattern in Java?
  • Q8: What is the Decorator design pattern in Java?
  • Q9: What is the Command design pattern in Java?
  • Q10: What is the Iterator design pattern in Java?
  • Q11: What is the Template Method design pattern in Java?
  • Q12: What is the Builder Method design pattern in Java?
  • Q13: How many ways we you create a singleton pattern?
  • Q14: Describe the strategy to design a pattern?
  • Q15: What is the decorator pattern in Java explain it with an example?
  • Q16: Difference between Strategy and State design Pattern in Java?
  • Q17: What are the advantages of Composite Design Pattern in Java?
  • Q18: Describe the uses of the Composite Design Pattern.
  • Q19: What are Some Design Patterns used in the JDK library?
  • Q20: Advantage of Builder design pattern in Java.
  • Q21: How to write Thread-safe Singleton in Java?
  • Q22: Is it possible to create a clone of a singleton object?
  • Q23: What is the proxy pattern, and what does it do?
  • Q24: Explain some different type of proxies?
  • Q25: Explain the Chain of Responsibility Pattern, when it is used & their advantages.
  • Q26: How Bridge Pattern is different from the Adapter Pattern?
  • Q27: What is the difference between the Dependency Injection and Service Locator Patterns?
  • Q28: Explain the Intercepting Filter Design Pattern, components and its advantages?
  • Q29: Explain Data Access Object (DAO) Design Pattern?
  • Q30: what is the difference between Value Object (VO) and Java Data Object (JDO)?
  • Conclusion

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Q1: What is a design pattern in Java?


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Q3: What are the types of design patterns in Java?

Design patterns are like recipes for solving problems in software development. They are helpful because they provide ready-made and flexible solutions to common problems that software developers face. These solutions make the software better. Design patterns are focused on fixing problems in a specific type of software design, like how objects are organized and used. Architectural patterns help us to organize how an application is built. They give us a framework for how everything fits together. They decide what things a big program is made of and how they work together. These patterns help us to make sure that our program is easy to change and can grow to handle lots of users. They also help us to keep our program safe....

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By writing singleton using double-checked locking. By using static Singleton instance initialized during class loading. By using Java enum to create a thread-safe singleton, this is the most straightforward way....