Explain the process of Inspiration under Normal Conditions.


The process of inspiration under normal conditions takes place when the pressure within the lungs is less than the atmospheric pressure. It starts with the contraction of the diaphragm which increases the volume of the thoracic chamber in the anteroposterior axis. External intercostal muscles contracts and lifts up the ribs and sternum. It increases the volume of the thoracic chamber in the dorsoventral axis. The pulmonary volume increases after the increase in the thoracic volume, which decreases the intra-pulmonary pressure to less than the atmospheric pressure. The negative pressure that is created inside forces the air from outside to move into the lungs, completing the process of inspiration.

NCERT Solutions of Class 11 Chapter 14 Breathing and Exchange of Gases

NCERT Solutions for class 11 chapter-14 Breathing and Exchange of gases. The chapter on breathing and the exchange of gases is important for students approaching the exams. This article introduces NCERT solutions designed to help students explain the concepts of further learning and how to write to get good grades on exams. The solutions are presented in very simple language for ease of understanding.

NCERT CBSE Chapter 14 Breathing and Exchange of Gases Solutions of class 11 ​explains the mechanism of breathing, the exchange of gases, how the respiratory system is regulated, and the various disorders of the respiratory system. Revise the basic concepts of Breathing and Exchange of Gases for quick revision and class notes.

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