Q5 Write short notes on the following

  • (a) Neural coordination
  • (b) Forebrain
  • (c) Midbrain
  • (d) Hindbrain
  • (e) Synapse


(a) Neural Coordination

Neurons are highly specialized cells that provide neural synchronization. The neurological system functions by nerve impulses and is made up of a network of point-to-point connections between the neurons and the organs. The input and the response—receptors, and effectors—are always coordinated by the neural system. Neural coordination carries out and manages every bodily function. The skin, among other organs, receives the stimulation, and a reaction is produced and conveyed to the muscles or glands. The brain system constantly stores the prior stimulus in memory. Running, walking, writing, and talking are examples of voluntary actions that benefit from neural coordination’s control and symmetry.

(b) Forebrain

The cerebrum, thalamus, and hypothalamus are three components of the cortex.

  • Cerebrum: It is the major component of the brain. A fissure in the cerebrum divides the left and right cerebral hemispheres. The corpus callosum connects the hemispheres of the brain. The cerebral cortex is a layer of visible folds made up of cells that cover the cerebral hemisphere. Due to its greyish coloring, it is referred to as grey matter. Many areas of the cerebral cortex don’t appear to have any sensory or motor functions. Association areas carry out a number of complex tasks, such as memory, communication, and intercessory associations. The fibers of the tract are shielded by the myelin coating in the center of the cerebral hemisphere. Because of its impenetrable aspect, white matter is so named. The association areas are in charge of memory, communication, and intercessional associations.
  • Thalamus: The Thalamus is a section of the cerebrum that wraps around the center of the forebrain. At this center, sensory and motor signaling are synchronized.
  • Hypothalamus: The hypothalamus contains a number of structures that control body temperature, hunger, and thirst. It is linked to the pituitary gland and regulates both growth and sexual behaviors.

Also Read: Difference Between Cerebellum And Cerebrum

(c) Midbrain

It is positioned between the pons of the hindbrain and the thalamus/hypothalamus of the forebrain The midbrain is connected to the brain by a passageway known as the cerebral aqueduct. The corpora quadrigemina, four circular lobes that make up the majority of the dorsal section of the midbrain, are present. The brain stem is made up of the hindbrain and midbrain.

(d) Hindbrain

Pons, cerebellum, and medulla make up the hindbrain. Pons is made up of fiber lines that link various brain areas. In order to accommodate more neurons, the surface of the cerebellum is extremely twisted. The spinal cord and the brain’s medulla are interconnected. Respiratory, cardiovascular, and gastric secretion control centers are located in the medulla.

(e) Synapse

The membranes of the pre-synaptic and post-synaptic neurons combine to form a synapse. A gap known as the synaptic cleft may or may not divide two synapses. Electrical and chemical synapses are two different types of synapses.

NCERT Solutions for Class 11 Biology Chapter 18 Neural Control and Coordination

NCERT Solutions for Class 11 Biology Chapter 18, “Neural Control and Coordination,” offers comprehensive answers and explanations to help students understand complex concepts. This chapter digs into the structure and functions of neurons, the central and peripheral nervous systems, and the mechanisms of neural communication. By using these solutions, students can enhance their knowledge and excel in their exams. Access these resources to master the intricacies of neural control and coordination effectively.s.


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Chapter 18 Neural Control and Coordination

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