Que Answer the following questions in about 30 words.

(i) Which two climatic variables are used by Koeppen for classification of the climate?


Koeppen’s climate classification system is based on two main climatic variables: temperature and precipitation. These variables help categorize different climate types around the world based on their characteristic temperature and precipitation patterns.

(ii) How is the “genetic” system of classification different from the “empirical one”?


Empirical classification relies on observed data, especially temperature and precipitation patterns, to categorize climates. On the other hand, genetic classification focuses on organizing climates based on their underlying causes or mechanisms.

(iii) Which types of climates have very low range of temperature?


Tropical humid climates, found between the Tropic of Cancer and the Tropic of Capricorn, have a very narrow range of temperature variation. These regions experience consistently high temperatures throughout the year due to their proximity to the equator and abundant sunlight.

(iv) What type of climatic conditions would prevail if the sun spots increase?


When the number of sunspots increases, it correlates with cooler and wetter weather patterns on Earth. This phenomenon is known as solar variability. It can lead to changes in atmospheric circulation patterns, resulting in cooler temperatures, increased precipitation, and greater storminess in certain regions.

NCERT Solutions Class-11 Geography Chapter-11: World Climate and Climate Change

NCERT Solutions Class-11 Geography Chapter-11 World Climate and Climate Change: This article includes free NCERT Solutions Class-11 Geography Chapter 11: World Climate and Climate Change according to the latest CBSE Syllabus 2024-25, and guidelines.

It has been developed by the subject matter experts at GFG, to help the students of Class 11 create a solid conceptual base for NCERT Solutions Class 11 Geography Chapter 11: World Climate and Climate Change and help them solve questions for exams.

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FAQs NCERT Solutions Class-11 Geography Chapter-11: World Climate and Climate Change
