Question 3: General to Specific

Template Overview:

This question involves summarizing a reading passage and a related lecture. The lecture typically provides specific examples to explain a general concept introduced in the reading.

Template Structure:

Stating the Term or Idea:

  • “The reading is about (TERM/CONCEPT).”

Give a Small Amount of Detail from the Reading:

  • “It states that…”


  • “The professor elaborates on this by providing an example.”
  • “The professor elaborates on this by providing two examples.”

First Example/First Part:

  • “To begin with, he/she mentions that…”
  • Second Example/Second Part:
  • “Next, he/she says that…”

Sample Response:

“The reading is about the concept of cultural diffusion. It states that cultural diffusion occurs when ideas and customs spread from one culture to another. The professor elaborates on this by providing two examples. To begin with, she mentions that the spread of the English language across the world is a form of cultural diffusion. Next, she says that the introduction of Western fast food in Asian countries also illustrates this concept.”

TOEFL Speaking Templates (Latest 2024): Download Free!

TOEFL speaking templates are essential tools for test-takers aiming to excel in the TOEFL speaking section. These templates help you organize your responses effectively to the TOEFL speaking questions, ensuring your answers are structured, clear, and concise.

This guide offers comprehensive templates for each of the four TOEFL speaking tasks, along with practical tips on how to use them for maximum efficiency. By incorporating these templates into your practice, you can improve your speaking skills and boost your overall TOEFL score.

TOEFL Speaking Templates

Table of Content

  • The 4 Types of TOEFL Speaking Tasks
    • TOEFL Independent Speaking Task 1
    • TOEFL Integrated  Speaking Task 2, 3, and 4: Integrated Speaking in Response to Other Materials
  • Question 1: Personal Choice
  • Question 2: Campus Announcement
  • Question 3: General to Specific
  • Question 4: Academic Lecture
  • TOEFL Speaking Templates for You to Use

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