Questions and Answers On Attorney General of India

1. Who is the Attorney General of India in 2023?

As of 2023, the Attorney General of India is Kottayan Katankot (K.K.) Venugopal, serving as the 15th Attorney General of India.

2. What is the role of the Attorney General of India?

The Attorney General serves as the highest law officer in India, offering legal advice to the Indian Government, representing the Union Government in the Supreme Court, and performing various legal duties as mandated by the Constitution.

3. How is the Attorney General of India appointed?

The President of India appoints the Attorney General on the recommendation of the Council of Ministers. To be eligible, the individual must meet specific qualifications, such as being a judge of a High Court for at least five years or an advocate in a High Court for ten years.

4. What is the term of the Attorney General’s office?

The Attorney General of India does not have a fixed term. They serve at the pleasure of the President, and their remuneration is determined by the President. They can also resign from their position.

5. What are the main responsibilities of the Attorney General?

The Attorney General advises the Central Government on legal matters, has the right to appear in all Indian courts, and represents the Government of India in various legal proceedings, including those in the Supreme Court.

6. Are there any limitations on the Attorney General’s role?

Yes, there are limitations. For example, the Attorney General cannot advise or represent clients against the Union Government, defend accused individuals in criminal cases without government permission, and cannot vote in parliamentary proceedings.

7. Can the Attorney General of India hold a private legal practice?

Yes, the Attorney General is not excluded from private legal practice, as they are not full-time government employees. They can engage in private legal practice alongside their official duties.

8. Can the Attorney General be reappointed after leaving office?

Yes, the Attorney General is eligible for reappointment to other government positions after leaving office. Their appointment is usually based on the advice of the Council of Ministers.

Attorney General of India: List, Appoints, Functions and Roles

The Attorney General of India is known as the highest law officer in the country as mentioned in Article 76 (under Part-V) of the Constitution of India, 1950. He is the chief legal advisor to the Indian Government and assists the Government in all legal affairs as an Advocate General of a state. The Union Government is also represented in the Supreme Court of India by The Attorney General of India. The post of Attorney General of India is a Constitutional post. The office of the Attorney General is the part of Union Executive. However, he is not a member of the Union Cabinet. He can be a part of any court in the Territory of India.

Table of Content

  • Who is the Present Attorney General of India?
  • Who Appoints India’s Attorney General?
  • Responsibilities and Functions of Attorney General
  • What is the term of the Attorney General’s office?
  • Roles of the Attorney General of India
  • Limitations of the Attorney General of India
  • Questions and Answers On Attorney General of India

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Questions and Answers On Attorney General of India

1. Who is the Attorney General of India in 2023?...