R – lattice Packages

The lattice package uses grid package to provide better relationships between the data. It is an add-on package for the implementation of Trellis graphics (graphics that shows relationships between variables conditioned together).

To install Lattice Packages in R


There are so many graphs present in the package such as barchart, counterplot, densityplot, histogram, etc. A simple format to use is:

graph_type(formula, data)


  • graph_type represents the type of graph to represent
  • formula specifies the variables or conditioned variables

To know about all functions of package:

library(help = "lattice")

Below is an implementation of some of the graphical functions in lattice package.

Example 1: 


# Output to be present as PNG file
# Create Density Plot for HP
densityplot(~hp, main ="Density plot of HP", xlab ="HP")
# Saving the file


Example 2: 


# Output to be present as PNG file
# Using ToothGrowth dataset
# To Create Histogram of length
histogram(~len, data = ToothGrowth,
main = "Histogram of Length")
# Saving the file


Grid and Lattice Packages in R Programming

Every programming language has packages to implement different functions. Many functions are bundled together in a package. To use those functions, installation and loading of these packages are required. In R programming, there are 10, 000 packages in the CRAN repository. Grid and Lattice are some of the packages in R Programming Language which implement graphical functions to develop some graphical outputs such as rectangle, circle, histogram, barplot, etc.

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R – lattice Packages
