Race Conditions

A race condition occurs when the outcome of a program depends on the timing or interleaving of operations by multiple threads. For example, if two threads are trying to update a shared variable without proper synchronization, the final value of the variable can be unpredictable. Race conditions can lead to bugs that are difficult to reproduce and diagnose.

Why is Concurrency Hard?

Concurrency is a fundamental concept in computer science and software engineering, but it is also one of the most challenging to get right. Concurrency allows multiple tasks to be executed simultaneously, which can lead to improved performance and responsiveness in software systems. However, the complexities introduced by concurrency can make it difficult to design, implement, and debug concurrent programs.

Let’s understand why is concurrency hard:

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Race Conditions

A race condition occurs when the outcome of a program depends on the timing or interleaving of operations by multiple threads. For example, if two threads are trying to update a shared variable without proper synchronization, the final value of the variable can be unpredictable. Race conditions can lead to bugs that are difficult to reproduce and diagnose....


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