Rajput India Map

Rajput States

Dantidurg (752-756)-

  • Dantidurg formed the Rashtrakutas, a self-governing state. His capital was Manyakheta. Prithvivallabh and Khadwaloka were given to him by Chalukya monarch Vikramaditya. Maharajadhiraja, Parameshwara, and Parambhattaraka were some of the titles he adopted. He did a Mahayagya “Hiranyagarbha”.

Krishna I-

  • He built the famous Kailash Nath temple of Ellora in Dravidian style.

Govind III (793-814)-

  • He was the greatest ruler who destroyed the union of Pallavas, Pandyas, Kerala, and Ganga kings and established his sovereign power.

Amoghavarsha (814-878)-

  • He was the last powerful ruler of the Rashtrakuta dynasty. He wrote Kavirajamarga and Prashnottar mallika in Kannada. Sharangdev wrote Hammir Raso.

The Pratiharas (730-1036):

  • They ruled in the reign of South-west Rajasthan and their origin was from Gujarat.
  • Paramaras were the title given to Rajput emperors, and Bhoja was the most powerful of them all. Bhoja was a Vaishnavite, which implies he was a Vaishnava believer. He took on titles like Adivaraha and Prabhas on their silver coins.
  • Rajashekhar was a famous scholar who lived in Mahendrapal’s palace and also acted as his Rajguru. Mihir Bhoja I’s son was Mahendrapal I. Rajasekhar’s noteworthy Jain sculptures include the Karporamanjari, Kavyamimansa, Viddhasalabhanjika, Balabharata, and Harvilas. According to Rajasekhar, Gurjar-Pratihar is the second-largest state in Western India.
  • The last ruler of the Pratihar dynasty was Yashpal (1036 AD).
  • Anangpal Tomar Rajput is a member of the Tomar dynasty, who founded Dhillika (modern Delhi) in 736 AD. They were originally feudatories of the Gurjar-pratiharas.

Chauhan Dynasty Shakambhari (Ajmer):

  • Vasudev created the Chauhan dynasty at Shakambhari. The city of Ajmer was founded by Ajayraja (Ajaymeru). Chauhan, the most heroic Rajput, governed Ajmer. It was the capital of King Vigraharaj, who occupied Delhi. The Chauhans were feudatories of the Pratihara monarchs until Vakpati Raj I freed himself from the Pratiharas in the early 10th century.

Prithviraj III (Prithviraj Chauhan 1178-92)-

  • Someshwara, who assumed the Delhi kingdom in 1178 AD, was his father. He was also known as Rai Pithora. Prithviraj-III or Prithviraj Chauhan, the ruler of Ajmer, beat Muhammad Ghori in the first battle of Tarain in 1191 AD and lost the second battle of Panipat in 1192 AD.
  • Suryavanshi is mentioned in the Hammir epic as ‘Chauhans.’ Chauhans were descended from “chahman,” the son of the sun, according to the Hammir epic. They belonged to the Fire Clan, which consisted of four members. The dynasty’s first monarchs, Vasudeva and Govak, are named.

Rana Kumbha (1433-68)-

  • He was a Sisodia ruler of Mewar. He defeated Mohammad Khilji and erected the Tower of Victory (vijaystambha) in Chittor.

Important facts and information- 

  • Visayapati was the ruler of Visaya, a region of the Pratihara empire. Pattala was a district near the bottom of the pyramid.
  • Many major strongholds and temples were built by the Rajputs, including Khajuraho (MP), Sun temple (Konark, Orissa), Lingaraja temple (Bhubaneswar, Orissa), Jagannath Puri temple (Puri), and Dilwara Temple (Puri) (Mount Abu).

The decline of Rajputs:

Their failure was attributed to a lack of unity and vision, as well as a caste system and a faulty military organization.

Important Rajput’s Kingdom:

Rajput Kingdoms Founder Time period Capital
Chauhan or Chahamanas of Delhi (Ajmer) Vasudev 7th AD to 1192 AD Delhi
 Pratihara from Kannauj Nagabhata I 730-1036 Avanti, Kannauj
Malwa’s Parmar Seeak II “Sri Harsha” 790-1150 Ujjain, Dhar
Chalukya/Solanki (Kathiawar) Mularaja I 942-1187 Anhilwara
Rastrakuta (malkhand) Dantidurg (Danti Varman II) 752-973 Manyakheta
Chandel (Jejakbhukti) Nannuk Chandela 831-1202 Mahoba, Khajuraho, Kalinjar
Kalchuri/Haihaya of Chedi Kokkala I 850-1211 Tripuri
Gadhawal/Rathor (Kannauj) Chandradeva 1090-1194 Kannauj
Tomar (Haryana & Delhi) Anangpal   Dhillika
SIsodiya/Guhilota of Mewar Bappa Rawal, Hammir I 8th century AD-1930 AD Chittor

Rise of Rajputs

  • Following Harshavardhan’s death, Northern India was divided for about 5 centuries. The country was split into many states, each of which was constantly fighting and redrawing its borders. During this time period, significant kingdoms in Northern India were Kashmir, Gandhara, Sindh, Gujarat, Kannauj, Ajmer, Malwa, Bengal, and Assam.Foreign invaders and Indian Kshatriyas were thought to have given birth to Rajputs. The Rajput clan became unified with Indian civilization as a result of intermarriage and the adoption of common practices. Rajput dominion lasted until the 12th century when the territory was captured by Muslims. During Muslim attacks on Hinduism and culture, the Rajputs were the main defenders.
  • The first Rajput rulers were the Gurjara-Pratiharas of Kannauj.
  • The founder of the dynasty was Nagabhata.
  • Harishchandra, the first great leader, conquered vast swaths of Rajputana and established Bhinmal as his capital.
  • Khajuraho Temple was built by Pratihara.
  • The Gurjaras-Pratiharas had two branches: one governed Gujarat and the other Avanthi.
  • During the 8th century AD, there was 3 big power ruling India. They competed in a three-cornered contest over Kannauj Triangle with the Palas of Bengal in the East, Gurjara-Pratihara in the North, and the Rashtrakutas of Deccan.

Rise of  Rajputs

Pala dynasty (750-1150): 


  • The Pala dynasty was founded by Gopala (750 AD). In Nalanda, he established a monastery. 

Dharampala (770-810)-

  • Dharampal was a devout Buddhist who practiced his religion with zeal. Paramasaugat was his name and Buddhist scholar Haribhadra was a resident of his court. At Vikramshila and Somapuri, Dharmapala built famous Buddhist monasteries (Paharpur). Dharampala is named Uttarapath Swamina by Gujarati poet Soddhala. He overthrew Kannauj’s ruler Indrayudha and installed Chakrayudha as the new ruler of Kannauj. He was the creator of Vikramshila University.


  • Mungera became the Kingdom’s capital after Devapala established it. King Nagabhata II of the dynasty of Pratihara was defeated. The title of Param Saugat was bestowed upon him.


  • Mahipal I is regarded as the second founder of the Pala dynasty. During his reign, Rajendra Chola invaded and defeated Mahipal.
  • The Sena dynasty ruled after the Pala dynasty in Bengal. Jayadeva, a famous court poet was a jewel in Laxman sen reign.

Rashtrakuta dynasty (752-973):

  • According to the inscriptions, the kingdom was founded in Lattalur (Latur, Bidar), but afterwards moved to Ellichpur (Berar). The Chalukyas of Badami had Rashtrakutas as feudatories. Tailap 2nd, a Chalukya king, conquered Kark 2nd, the final ruler of the Rashtrakuta dynasty, and took over the Rashtrakuta kingdom in 974-75.

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Rajput India Map

Rajput States...