Reading a Comma-Separated Value(CSV) File

Method 1: Using read.csv() Function Read CSV Files into R

The function has two parameters: 

  • file.choose(): It opens a menu to choose a CSV file from the desktop.
  • header: It is to indicate whether the first row of the dataset is a variable name or not. Apply T/True if the variable name is present else put F/False.



# import and store the dataset in data1
data1 <- read.csv(file.choose(), header=T)
# display the data


Importing Data in R Script

Method 2: Using read.table() Function

This function specifies how the dataset is separated, in this case we take sep=”, “ as an argument.



# import and store the dataset in data2
data2 <- read.table(file.choose(), header=T, sep=", ")
# display data


Importing Data in R Script

Importing Data in R Script

We can read external datasets and operate with them in our R environment by importing data into an R script. R offers a number of functions for importing data from various file formats.

In this article, we are going to see how to Import data in R Programming Language.

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