Ready Queue

The Stand-by queue contains all the processes ready to be fetched from the memory, for execution. When the process is initiated, it joins the ready queue to wait for the CPU to be free. The operating system assigns a process to the executing processor from this queue based on the scheduling algorithm it implements.


  • FIFO contains processes waiting for the CPU to execute various processes it contains.
  • This flow of activities is chosen from this queue for execution.
  • They are controlled utilizing what can be referred to as scheduling algorithms like FCFS, SJF, or Priority Scheduling among others.

Types of Scheduling Queues

As for the concept of computer systems, scheduling queues are among the chief tools defining the execution of processes or threads. These queues are used to reference numerous processes and to be able to differentiate between the executions of these processes. Different types of queues are there, each designed for use in certain situations and, each operates through a CPU scheduling algorithm.

This article will discuss different types of Scheduling Queues in detail along with their characteristics.

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Types of Scheduling Queues

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Job Queue

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Ready Queue

The Stand-by queue contains all the processes ready to be fetched from the memory, for execution. When the process is initiated, it joins the ready queue to wait for the CPU to be free. The operating system assigns a process to the executing processor from this queue based on the scheduling algorithm it implements....

Waiting Queue

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Priority Queue

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Round-Robin Queue

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Multi-Level Queue

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Scheduling queues are used in the Computer systems in order to time the execution processes or threads properly. Several types of queues exist because to address issues that happen in systems different processes should be executed depending of its priority and resources availability. The nature of these queues needs controlled use of CPUs through the suitable scheduling algorithms to ensure that a computer system operates effectively....

Frequently Asked Questions on Types of Scheduling Queues – FAQs

Why should queues be scheduled in computer systems?...