Real-World Unit Test Example

A real-world unit test example would be testing a function that calculates the average of a set of numbers. The unit test would check that the function returns the expected result when given different sets of numbers. A real-world unit test might involve testing a method that calculates the monthly payment on a loan. The test would provide various loan amounts, interest rates, and loan terms, and compare the results of the method to the expected results. Let’s say you are a developer and you are developing an e-commerce website. There are many things that need to be built, but one of the first things you need to build is a calculation engine that calculates the total cost of a user’s order, including shipping and taxes.

  • You could write a unit test for this calculation engine that verifies that it correctly calculates the total cost of an order, including shipping and taxes.
  • Or, let’s say you are a developer and you are developing a login system for a website. You could write a unit test for this login system that verifies that it correctly logs a user in and out of the website.
  • Or, let’s say you are a developer and you are developing a user registration system for a website. You could write a unit test for this registration system that verifies that it correctly registers a user on the website.

Embedded C/C++ Unit Testing Basics

In software engineering, unit testing is a software testing method by which individual units of source code, sets of one or more computer program modules together with associated control data, usage procedures, and operating procedures, are tested to determine whether they are fit for use. 

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Real-World Unit Test Example

A real-world unit test example would be testing a function that calculates the average of a set of numbers. The unit test would check that the function returns the expected result when given different sets of numbers. A real-world unit test might involve testing a method that calculates the monthly payment on a loan. The test would provide various loan amounts, interest rates, and loan terms, and compare the results of the method to the expected results. Let’s say you are a developer and you are developing an e-commerce website. There are many things that need to be built, but one of the first things you need to build is a calculation engine that calculates the total cost of a user’s order, including shipping and taxes....

Setting Up CppUTest

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Common Issues with C/C++ Unit Tests

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Benefits of Embedded C/C++ Unit Testing

Early bug detection: Embedded C/C++ unit testing can help you catch bugs early and prevent them from becoming expensive problems later on.  Ensure code performs as intended: By writing and running tests for your embedded C/C++ code, you can ensure that your code is doing what it’s supposed to do and that it’s robust enough to handle real-world conditions.  Improve the quality of code: Embedded C/C++ unit testing can help you improve the quality of your code by making it easier to find and fix coding errors.  Increase confidence in code: By using a well-designed unit test suite, you can also increase your confidence in the code, which can lead to fewer unexpected problems when the code is released into the wild....