Real Life Applications of Carbon

The real life applications of carbon is discussed in detail below:

Organic Chemistry

Carbon is the foundation of all the organic chemistry. The presence of organic components cannot be overemphasized in nature, and they are paramount in biological processes, pharmaceuticals and in other local products and materials. Tackling of carbon compounds put forward concepts forming a base of students knowledge in molecule structure, functional groups, and chemical reactions.

Example: Students go through the structure and property of hydrocarbons, which are alkanes, alkenes and alkynes, which are used as the building blocks for organic compounds that are very many. Knowing about the characteristics of which these substances is imperative for chronicling the mechanism in which they react in the combustion of the fuels, the processes involved in these polymers, and their functions in biochemical pathways.

Environmental Chemistry

Carbon has the main position in the study of environmental chemistry, especially, in the context of carbon cycling and climate change. Students make sure to grasp carbon dioxide and methane, both carbons-bearing gases, role in the greenhouse effect as well as global warming. Having a clear vision of carbon sequestration and carbon capture technology’s working mechanisms is the key to successful dealing with environmental issues and climate change.

Example: Students focus on the importance of carbon dioxide emissions which are human activities like burning fossil fuels and deforestation, are the major causes of climate change. They get to know the carbon cycle, involving the photosynthesis, respiration, and decomposition processes that are the basis for the exchange of carbon between the atmosphere, biosphere, hydrosphere and lithosphere.

Materials Science and Engineering

Carbon based materials have given a new dimension to many industries notably electronics, aerospace, automotive and construction. Researchers examine the properties and utilizations of carbon allotropes, among which are graphite, diamond, as well as fullerenes. The awareness of the structure-property properties of carbon materials allows students to make creative designs of materials with pre-determined functions for specific purposes.

Example: Researchers explore the specific properties of graphene, one of the forms of carbon, which is a two dimensional material with remarkable mechanical and thermal properties. They are getting to know the possible areas of its application in electronics, energy storage, and biomedical devices that in future may boost the sphere of materials technology and engineering.

Biochemistry and Biotechnology

Carbon serves as the major link in biochemistry and biotechnology, where it builds up the future of the biomolecules like carbohydrates, lipids, proteins, and nucleic acids. Researchers are exposed to the structure and function of organic molecules in living things and get to understand how these processes would aid in some biological operations such as metabolism, gene expression, and disease mechanisms.

Example: Researchers study the function of carbon as the building block of DNA , RNA molecules and find out that this structure is coded by these molecules which provide further instructions for cells to produce different proteins. Researchers are sensitized about how structural changes in DNA, like mutations and DNA damages, would be culpable for genetic disorders and diseases, increasing the significance of carbon-dependent molecular substances in the life sciences.

Chemical Industry and Manufacturing

Carbon-containing compounds are basically the building blocks of the world’s chemical industry, used for manufacturing of such things as petrochemicals, chemicals for medicines, synthetic fabrics, and detergents. Students are taught about organic syntheses methods, to be specific addition reactions, substitution reactions, and polymerization, which are used by industry to make organic compounds on the huge scale.

Example: Researchers learn how to make aspirin, which is probably the most common analgesic and anti-inflammatory drug on the market, that arises from the reaction of salicylic acid and acetic anhydride. Through this they acquire knowledge on the role of carbon-based functional groups, such as carboxylic acids and esters, in organic synthesis and in pharmaceutical chemistry.

Fuel Chemistry

Carbon based fuel, which include petroleum, natural gas, and coal, are energy sources used for road transport, electricity generation, and heating. Researchers focus on the chemical ingredients and combustion reaction of fossil fuels, too beside some alternative energy sources like biofuels and hydrogen fuel cells. Knowing the basic chemistry of fuels is key to the evolution of energy sustainability and fixing environmental problems related to fossil fuel burning.

Example: Researchers will form the chemical structure of gasoline, which is a mix of hydrocarbons, produced from crude oil, and carry out combustion in the internal combustion engines. They get to know about the carbon based compounds and the way they release energy through exothermic reactions, which makes the fuel chemistry as an important factor in sustaining energy production and minimizing environmental impacts.

Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS)

Carbon capture and storage technology aims to lower greenhouse gas emissions by trapping carbon dioxide from industry areas and burying it underground or converting it into useful products instead. Students are introduced to various carbon capture methods like absorption, adsorption, and membrane separation, as well as various storage methods including geological storage and mineralization. CCS technology knowledge is a necessity for the sake of climate change mitigation and switch from carbon economy for the low-carbon one.

Example: The class utilizes the carbon capture process based on the amine-based solvents that selectively capture the carbon dioxide gas emitted from the exhaust of power plants and industrial facilities. They look into the processes of carbon capture and its release, after which they also analyze the complexity of putting CCS technologies on a global scale.

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Carbon is the 4th most abundant element in the universe and the 15th most abundant element in the Earth’s crust. It is found in group 14 of the Periodic Table. It has the atomic number 6. It is an element that has a significant role in products that we use in our daily lives. It forms the basis of an infinite number of organic compounds. In this article, we are going to learn about the various applications of carbon in human lives.

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