Real Life Experiments of Semiconductors

The real life experiments of semiconductors are discussed below:

Diode Testing

One common experiment involves testing semiconductor diodes to the understand their behavior. By connecting a diode to the power supply and measuring the voltage across it and students can observe the diode’s forward and reverse the bias characteristics. This experiment helps demonstrate the diode’s rectifying properties essential for the electronic circuits.

Transistor Amplification

Another experiment involves using the transistors to amplify signals in the electronic circuits. The Students can build simple transistor amplifier circuits using the common semiconductor components and observe how changes in the input voltage result in the amplified output signals. This experiment illustrates the transistor’s role as the key component in the signal processing and amplification.

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Real Life Applications of Semiconductor

A semiconductor is a material that has electrical conductivity between that of a conductor (like metal) and an insulator (like rubber). It can conduct electricity under certain conditions but not as freely as conductors do. Semiconductors are fundamental components in electronics and are used in devices such as diodes, transistors, and integrated circuits.

Real Life Applications of Semiconductor

The conductivity of Semiconductor is less than a conductor and more than an insulator.

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