Reciprocal of a Negative Number

To find the reciprocal of the negative number, we divide 1 by the negative number and simplify it further.

For Example, let’s consider a negative number, -4. Its reciprocal can be found by dividing 1 by -4, which gives us -1/4. Similarly, we can find the reciprocals of other negative numbers:

  • Reciprocal of -11 is -1/11.
  • Reciprocal of -13 is -1/13.
  • Reciprocal of -15 is -1/15 and so on.

Reciprocal – Meaning and Examples | Multiplicative Inverse

Reciprocal is the inverse of a number or a value. It is also known as the multiplicative inverse. In other words, the reciprocal of a number is defined as 1 divided by that number. The word reciprocal comes from the Latin word reciprocus, which means “returning”. Every number has a reciprocal, except for 0 as 1/0 is undefined.

To find the reciprocal of a number, you can:

  • Divide 1 by the number
  • Raise the number to the power of -1
  • Write the original number as a fraction and “flip” it

For example, the reciprocal of 9 is 1/9.

Let’s learn how to find the reciprocal of whole numbers, fractions, negative numbers, etc. with examples.

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