Reflection and Resilience

But as we talked, we realized that this wasn’t the end. We had learned so much, and we had a blast doing it. The late-night coding sessions, the endless jokes, the teamwork—it was all worth it. We had created something awesome, and we were proud of it, even if the judges didn’t see it the same way. We might not have won the prize, but we won something else—friendship, experience, and a determination to come back stronger. The next hackathon? We’re already planning it. We’re not giving up. We’re going to keep coding, keep learning, and keep having fun. And who knows? Maybe next time, we’ll be the ones celebrating. Next hackathon? We’re going to crush it. Watch out, world—we’ll be back, and we’re going to take that prize home.

Thank you

My Journey in Hackathon Participation

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