Related Frequently Asked Question and Answers

Q1. What is the National Child Labour Project? 

Answer: The National Child Labour Project is introduced by the Central government in order to improve the current situation of child labor in India as well as provide them with basic education. Under this scheme, children under the age of 9-14 are withdrawn from working as laborers. Instead, they should be put into special training centers or schools, where they can get their primary education.

Q2. Discuss the steps taken by the government in order to stop child labour?

Answer: The Indian government has made various programs to focus on the eradication and prevention of child labour. The Child Labour Amendment Act of 2016, the Right to Education Act of 2009, the INDUS Project, and the National Child Labour Project (NCLP) Scheme were all implemented to prevent and eliminate child labour. The government has also collaborated with various entities to raise public awareness about the issue.

Q3. What is the punishment for child labour?

Answer: Under the Child labor act, anyone found to be employing an adolescent under the age of 14 to 18 years or below is considered illegal and can be punished with 6 to 24 months in jail or a fine of  Rs. 20,000-Rs. 50,000.  Also, if a person is founded to commit the same again after being punished once, they could be punished to be in jail for 1-3 years.

Q4. What is the PENCiL portal?

Answer: Under the NCPL scheme, the PENCIL (Platform for Effective Enforcement for No Child Labour) was launched in the year 2017. The main aim of the portal was to ensure effective implementation of the Child labor scheme. Through the portal, it is possible to file a complaint regarding child labor directly. The system automatically assigns received complaints to the appropriate Nodal officer.

National Child Labour Project (NCLP)

The term “Child Labour” refers to the form of work that is abusive to the child in any form and deprives their childhood, and is harmful to their mental and physical development. Also, the work, which is affecting the education of a child, for instance, depriving them of attending the necessary education or obliging them to leave school prematurely, or forcing them to combine school attendance with working excessively all come under child labor. Despite numerous laws and government initiatives, there are currently more than 10 million child labourers working in India. 

The National Child Labour Project (NCLP) is introduced by the Central government in order to improve the current situation of child labor in India as well as provide them with basic education. Under this scheme, children under the age of 9-14 are withdrawn from working as laborers. Instead, they should be put into special training centers or schools, where they can get their primary education. Through this scheme, Students are provided with bridge education, vocational training, mid-day meal, allowance, health care, and other benefits before being integrated into the formal school system. In addition, through the Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan scheme, children aged 5-8 are directly connected to the formal school system. Furthermore, to ensure the smooth implementation of this scheme, there is an online portal available with the name of PENCiL (Platform for Effective Enforcement for No Child Labour). 

The Main Objectives of the National Child Labour Project:

The ultimate aim of the project is to eliminate all forms of child labor through a sequential process that begins with: 

  • Identification of the adolescent children engaged in dangerous settings or vocations and then removing all adolescents from the project area.
  • Providing them with necessary vocational training as well as preparing them for mainstream education will be the next step. 
  • Also, ensuring that they benefit from the government programs offered for their fundamental development
  • Facilitating training programs for such teenagers through currently established skill development schemes.
  • It seeks to spread awareness about the functionality of NCLP among the affected communities and other stakeholders concerned with child labour.

Implementation of the National Child Labour Project:

  • The project was successfully implemented with the joint effort of civil society and the District administration. 
  • The responsibility of the project was jointly divided between respective state governments and the Ministry of Labour and Employment.
  • The project was mainly launched in the areas where the rate of child labour cases was high and to ensure the proper implementation of the law, the District project Societies (DPS) were set up at District levels. 
  • District Project Society will be in charge of the children’s and their families’ monthly payments.

PENCiL Portal:

Under the NCPL scheme, the PENCIL (Platform for Effective Enforcement for No Child Labour) was launched in the year 2017. The main aim of the portal was to ensure effective implementation of the Child labor scheme. It consists of the child tracking system and also the complain corner. The portal is not only connected with the general public but also with central government, state government, and district societies which are directly related to the scheme. Through the portal, it is possible to file a complaint regarding child labor directly. The system automatically assigns received complaints to the appropriate Nodal officer.

Benefits of the National Child Labour Project:

The scheme proved to be beneficial for the children working as child laborers. As the effect of the scheme, the total number of children mainstreamed through training centers set up under the project. Here are some of the main effects of the scheme:

  • It helped identify the child in all forms of child laborers. 
  • Helpful in the identification and removal of adolescents from potential hazards jobs and activities in the target location; 
  • It created awareness among citizens about the bad effects of child Labour on children as well as society.  
  • All children who have been rescued from child labour and rehabilitated through the NCLPS have been successfully inculcated into regular schools.
  • The skill training proved to be beneficial for the adolescents withdrawn from the hazard occupations. 

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