Related Practice Problem on Backtracking

Backtracking Algorithm in Python

Backtracking is a problem-solving algorithmic technique that involves finding a solution incrementally by trying different options and undoing them if they lead to a dead end. The backtracking algorithm is a recursive algorithm that is used to solve problems by making a series of choices, and if a choice leads to a dead end, it backtracks to the last valid choice made and tries a different path. It is often used to solve problems such as the N-Queens puzzle, Sudoku, and the Knight’s Tour.

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How Does a Backtracking Algorithm Work?

A backtracking algorithm works by recursively exploring all possible solutions to a problem. It starts by choosing an initial solution, and then it explores all possible extensions of that solution. If an extension leads to a solution, the algorithm returns that solution. If an extension does not lead to a solution, the algorithm backtracks to the previous solution and tries a different extension....

Example of Backtracking Algorithm:

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