Relationship between Pressure and Temperature

The temperature has a direct relationship with pressure and volume i.e. 

PV ∝ T 

This relationship enables a gas that will be utilized to determine the temperature in a Gas thermometer with a constant volume. 

Therefore, at constant volume, the relationship can be written as, 

P ∝ T

Here, the temperature is read in terms of pressure with a constant-volume gas thermometer. 

A straight line emerges from a plot of pressure against temperature.

Observations on real gases differ from the values anticipated by the ideal gas law at low temperatures. However, the relationship is linear over a wide temperature range, and it appears that if the gas remained a gas, the pressure would drop to zero with decreasing temperature. Extrapolating the straight line to the axis yields the absolute minimum temperature for an ideal gas. Absolute zero is defined as a temperature of – 273.15 degrees Celsius. The Kelvin temperature scale, often known as the absolute scale of temperature, is founded on absolute zero.

The image given below shows the relationship between the Pressure and Temperature of an Ideal Gas.

On the Kelvin temperature scale, – 273.15 °C is taken as the zero point, that is 0 K. In both the Kelvin and Celsius temperature systems, the unit size is the same. So, the relation between them can be expressed as

T = t + 273.15

t is the temperature in °C

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Ideal Gas Law

The ideal gas law also called the general gas equation, is an equation that provides the relation among the various parameters of the gas i.e. they provide the relation among pressure(P), temperature(T), and Volume(V) of the gas. It is a combination of Charles’s law, Boyle’s Law, Avogadro’s law, and Gay-Lussac’s law. This law was first stated by the French physicist Benoit Paul Émile Clapeyron in 1834.

Table of Content

  • What is Ideal Gas?
  • Ideal Gas Laws
  • Ideal Gas Law Units
  • What is Ideal Gas Equation?
  • Equation of Ideal Gas Law
  • Derivation of the Ideal Gas Equation
  • Ideal Gas Equation Units
  • Absolute Temperature
  • Relationship between Pressure and Temperature
  • Solved Examples on Ideal Gas Law

Let’s learn about Ideal Gas Law and its derivation and others in detail.

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