
The reliability pillar ensures that the workload continue to function as expected in case of any failures. It incorporates automatic recovery mechanisms and measures to mitigate disruptions.

Design Principles:

  • Automatically recover from failure: It uses automated tools to detect and recover from failures without manual intervention. It monitors a workload for key performance indicators (KPI’s) so you can trigger automation when a threshold is breached.
  • Test recovery procedures: Regular testing of recovery procedures are conducted to prove that the workload works as expected.
  • Scale horizontally to increase aggregate workload availability: Distributing workloads across multiple instances horizontally will increase the system’s overall availability.
  • Stop guessing capacity: Automatically scale resources based on demand.
  • Manage change in automation: Changes to your systems or infrastructure should be made using automation.

AWS Well-Architected Framework

The AWS Well-Architected Framework is a set of practices that enables AWS users, architects and developers to design and architect a secure, high performing, resilient, cost-effective, efficient and reliable system for their applications in the cloud. It allows users to consistently measure their architectures against best practices and identifies areas for improvement.

The framework provides an approach for customers to review their architectures and provides guidance to implement designs that scale with their application needs over time. It provides best practices in the design, delivery and maintenance of AWS environments.

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