Remedial Measures for Unemployment

1. Rapid GDP Growth: Through accelerated growth, the overall employment issue can be resolved. Over the next ten years, GDP growth rates between 8% and 9% are required to significantly improve the employment situation in the country.

2. Control of Population Growth: Controlling population growth is necessary to ensure that there is enough employment for everyone who wants to work. Therefore, it is essential to implement a population control strategy that is both effective and meaningful, such as family planning programmes, etc.

3. Development of the Agricultural Sector: The expansion of the agriculture sector is crucial for raising labour productivity and improving the standard of employment for a sizable portion of the labour force that is already in existence. It is necessary to implement an agricultural revolution through improved methods, expanded irrigation systems, altered land regulations, and increased public investment.

4. Encouragement of Small Businesses: The small business sector has to be supported through a variety of programs, including lenient financing, technical training, the provision of raw materials, infrastructure improvements, and the marketing of their goods.

5. Infrastructural Improvements: The infrastructure, including the roads, irrigation, electricity, and other services, is essential to the economy’s overall growth. A better infrastructure enables the agricultural and industrial sectors to operate at maximum potential. This will result in more job opportunities.

6. Special Employment Programs: It is important to create special employment programs that aim to offer paid work or self-employment.

7. Improvement of Employment Exchanges: The employment exchanges, which are located all over the nation, are very helpful in pointing job seekers in the direction of potential employment opportunities. Such employment exchanges should operate more efficiently.

8. Creation of Self-employment Chances: To increase the number of self-employment opportunities, the government should offer a variety of facilities, including financial assistance, skill training, availability of supplies, and marketing of goods.

9. Educational Reform: The current educational system has to be more comprehensive and should include long-term training or apprenticeship program. To help the educated unemployed, it is necessary for educational institutions to be more diverse and enhance skills of the unemployed through specialised training or apprenticeship programmes. On July 16 2015, the Indian government launched Pradhan Mantri Kaushal Vikas Yojana, often known as Skill India, as a programme for skill development and standardisation. After successfully completing training and assessment under this programme, trainees are given a monetary award and a government certification that will help them in finding employment for a better future.

10. Planning for Human Resources: It is important to estimate the need for educated labour in the future and make admission decisions for various professional programs based on those forecasts. As a result, there won’t be any surplus labour of educated workers in the market.

Unemployment: Meaning, Causes, Effects and Remedial Measures

Unemployment is one of the most important problems that can be found in any country in the world, regardless of its economic condition. Unemployment is defined as a condition wherein people are able and willing to work at the current wage rate but cannot find work. Some skilled workers struggle to find employment for extended periods, thus, unemployment is not just confined to low-skilled employees. There are various methods for identifying an unemployed person. Some economists believe that a person is considered unemployed if they cannot find a job for even one hour during a half-day.

Key Takeaways:

  • Unemployment in India is not just about job scarcity but also about the mismatch between skills demanded and skills possessed by the workforce.
  • A significant portion of India’s workforce is employed in the informal sector, where job security and benefits are often lacking.
  • Global economic trends and events can also impact unemployment in India, such as fluctuations in global markets, trade policies, and geopolitical tensions.
  • The Indian government has launched various schemes and programs aimed at tackling unemployment, such as the Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act (MGNREGA), Skill India Mission, and Startup India.

Table of Content

  • What is Unemployment?
  • Sources of Unemployment Data
  • Types of Unemployment in India
  • Causes of Unemployment in India
  • Effects of Unemployment in India
  • Remedial Measures for Unemployment 

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