Removing Null Values from an Object Using reduce()

The removeNullUndefinedWithReduce function uses the reduce() method and Object.entries() to iterate through the properties of the object. It creates a new object, excluding properties with null or undefined values. For nested objects, it recursively applies the same logic. This approach is functional and produces a new object without modifying the original one.

Example: Here, the removeNullUndefinedWithReduce function is used to create a new object (cleanedObject) by excluding properties with null or undefined values. The reduce() method is employed for a functional approach, and the resulting cleanedObject does not modify the original object. The cleaning process includes nested objects.


function removeNullUndefinedWithReduce(obj) {
    return Object.entries(obj).reduce((acc, [key, value]) => {
        if (value !== null && value !== undefined) {
            acc[key] = typeof value === 'object' ? removeNullUndefinedWithReduce(value) : value;
        return acc;
    }, {});
const objectWithNullUndefined = {
    a: 1,
    b: null,
    c: 3,
    d: undefined,
    e: {
        f: null,
        g: 'hello',
        h: undefined,
const cleanedObject = removeNullUndefinedWithReduce(objectWithNullUndefined);


{ a: 1, c: 3, e: { g: 'hello' } }

Remove blank attributes from a JavaScript Object

Remove blank attributes from a JavaScript object we have to check if the values are null or undefined and then delete the blank attributes with approaches mentioned below.

Table of Content

  • Removing Blank Attributes from a JavaScript Object
  • Removing Null Values from an Object
  • Removing Null and Undefined Values from a Nested Object
  • Removing Null Values from an Object Using reduce()

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