Report Level Filters

The report-level filters are the filters that you simply use to apply a filter condition on the entire report. The report-level filter will get applied to each visualization and page of a report. Thus, report-level filters are different from visual-level and page-level filters, report-level filters are generalized filters.

Power BI – Report Level Filters

Filters in Power BI sort data and knowledge based on some selected criteria. That is, you’ll select particular fields or values within fields and view only the information related to them. as an example, you’ve got a dataset related to a store’s sales. Now, using the filters you’ll filter out unnecessary information. you’ll view a report having only the data for the selected aspects.

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Report Level Filters

The report-level filters are the filters that you simply use to apply a filter condition on the entire report. The report-level filter will get applied to each visualization and page of a report. Thus, report-level filters are different from visual-level and page-level filters, report-level filters are generalized filters....

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