
With members representing diverse regional, social, economic, and religious backgrounds, Parliament serves as a platform to voice the varied perspectives and interests of the populace.

Class 11 Polity Notes Chapter 5: What does the Parliament do?

The Parliament is responsible for many different functions. The primarly legislative which enacts laws is very important for the goverance of the country. The parliament holds the authority for the approval of legislations and ensures the alignment with national interests. Let us learn more about what the parliament does!

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What does the Parliament do?

Functions of the Legislature...

Legislative Function

The Parliament, as the primary legislative body, enacts laws crucial for the governance of the country. While the actual drafting of bills is often performed by the bureaucracy under ministerial supervision, the Parliament holds the authority to approve legislations, ensuring their alignment with national interests....

Control of Executive and Ensuring Accountability

A fundamental responsibility of Parliament is to maintain checks and balances on the executive branch, ensuring its adherence to constitutional mandates and accountability to the electorate....

Financial Function

The Parliament plays a pivotal role in financial matters, including taxation and expenditure. It controls the government’s financial activities through budgetary approvals, ensuring transparency, and preventing mismanagement of public funds....


With members representing diverse regional, social, economic, and religious backgrounds, Parliament serves as a platform to voice the varied perspectives and interests of the populace....

Debating Function

As the highest forum of debate in the country, Parliament facilitates open discussions on a wide array of issues, fostering democratic decision-making processes....

Constituent Function

Parliament possesses the authority to discuss and enact constitutional amendments, ensuring the evolution of governance structures in line with changing societal needs....

Electoral Functions

Parliament conducts electoral processes for electing the President and Vice President of India, ensuring the democratic functioning of key constitutional positions....

Judicial Functions

In addition to its legislative and executive oversight functions, Parliament plays a role in judicial matters, including the consideration of proposals for the removal of key constitutional officeholders, such as the President, Vice-President, and Judges of High Courts and Supreme Court....

Distinct Powers of Rajya Sabha

The Rajya Sabha, representing the states, holds special powers aimed at safeguarding state interests. Matters impacting states’ authority require the Rajya Sabha’s approval, underscoring its role in protecting federal principles....

Exclusive Powers of Lok Sabha

Certain powers, such as the initiation, rejection, or amendment of money bills, are exclusively vested in the Lok Sabha. Additionally, the Council of Ministers is accountable solely to the Lok Sabha, highlighting its centrality in executive oversight....


While both houses of Parliament play indispensable roles in India’s democratic framework, their distinct powers and functions contribute to the system’s checks and balances. Through collaborative legislative processes and robust oversight mechanisms, Parliament remains a cornerstone of democratic governance, ensuring the representation, accountability, and welfare of the Indian populace....

What does the Parliament do?- FAQs

What is the primary function of Parliament?...