Requirements to setup Spring Data R2DBC Application

  • Java 17 or higher
  • Spring Framework 6.0.11 or higher
  • R2DBC and above
  • A database that supports R2DBC, such as PostgreSQL, MySQL, or MongoDB

Spring Data R2DBC

Spring Data introduced reactive programming support with the release of Spring Data Reactive Modules. This module allows you to work with reactive database drivers (like MongoDB Reactive, R2DBC for SQL databases, etc.) and provides APIs for performing asynchronous database operations using reactive streams.

Spring Data R2DBC is an addition, to the Spring Data project that offers a programming model for databases with a focus on programming. Unlike implementations, like JDBC (Java Database Connectivity) or JPA (Java Persistence API) Spring Data R2DBC adopts a blocking approach enabling developers to handle database operations in a reactive manner.

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Why use Spring Data R2DBC?

Building high-performance applications: A high-performance e-commerce application could use Spring Data R2DBC to handle the large number of requests that it receives. Building scalable applications: A scalable social media application could use Spring Data R2DBC to handle the large number of users and posts that it needs to manage. Building microservices: A microservices architecture could use Spring Data R2DBC to connect the different microservices and allow them to communicate with each other using a reactive API. Building event-driven applications: An event-driven application could use Spring Data R2DBC to react to events that occur in the database, such as a new customer being created or an order being placed. Building reactive applications: A reactive real-time chat application could use Spring Data R2DBC to keep track of the latest messages and send them to users in real-time....

Requirements to setup Spring Data R2DBC Application

Java 17 or higher Spring Framework 6.0.11 or higher R2DBC and above A database that supports R2DBC, such as PostgreSQL, MySQL, or MongoDB...


Maven Dependencies:...

Basic steps to connect a database to a Spring Data R2DBC Application


