Responding to Apologies in Spanish

When someone apologizes to you, here are a few ways you can respond:

  • No te preocupes – “Don’t worry about it”
  • Está bien – “It’s okay”
  • No hay problema – “No problem”
  • Te perdono – “I forgive you”
  • Acepto tus disculpas – “I accept your apology”

Below table is designed to assist English speakers in learning how to apologize in Spanish. It provides various phrases for expressing apologies, from basic to more specific contexts, including expressions of regret, sincere apologies, acknowledgments of thoughtlessness or wrong behavior, requests for forgiveness, and clarifications that a mistake was unintentional.

English Expression Spanish Phrase IPA Notation Pronunciation Guide When to Use
I’m sorry Perdón pɛɾˈðõn pear-don Basic apology
I’m sorry Lo siento lo ˈsjɛ̃nto loh see-en-toh Basic apology
I apologize Disculpa disˈkulpa dis-cool-pah Basic apology
I regret it Lo lamento lo laˈmɛ̃nto lo lah-men-toh Basic apology
I’m truly sorry En verdad lo siento ɛ̃m bɛɾˈðað lo ˈsjɛ̃nto en ver-dad lo see-en-toh Sincere apology
I’m so sorry Lo siento tanto lo ˈsjɛ̃nto ˈtãnto lo see-en-toh tan-toh Sincere apology
I feel terrible, I’m sorry Me siento terrible, lo siento mucho me ˈsjɛ̃nto tɛˈriβle | lo ˈsjɛ̃nto ˈmuʧo meh see-en-toh teh-ree-bleh lo see-en-toh moo-cho Expressing remorse
Sorry for my thoughtlessness Lo siento mucho, fue muy descuidado de mi parte lo ˈsjɛ̃nto ˈmuʧo | ˈfwe mwi ðɛskwiˈðaðo ðe mi ˈpaɾte lo see-en-toh moo-cho foo-eh moo-y des-coo-e-da-doh deh me par-teh Acknowledging carelessness
Sorry for my behavior Lo siento mucho por mi comportamiento lo ˈsjɛ̃nto ˈmuʧo poɾ mi kõmpoɾtaˈmjɛ̃nto lo see-en-toh moo-cho pore me com-pore-tah-me-en-toh Acknowledging wrong behavior
I apologize for crossing the line Una disculpa, eso estuvo fuera de lugar ˈuna ðisˈkulpa | ˈeso ɛsˈtuβo ˈfwɛɾa ðe luˈɣaɾ oo-nah dis-cool-pah Acknowledging improper behavior
A thousand apologies Mil disculpas ˈmil disˈkulpas meel dis-cool-pas Casual but sincere apology
I owe you an apology Te debo una disculpa te ˈðeβo ˈuna ðisˈkulpa teh deh-bo oo-nah dis-cool-pah Directly addressing someone you’ve wronged
Forgive me Perdóname pɛɾˈðoname pear-doh-nah-meh Asking for forgiveness
It wasn’t intentional Lo siento, no lo hice a propósito lo ˈsjɛ̃nto | ˈno lo ˈise a pɾoˈposito lo see-en-toh no lo e-say ah pro-poh-see-toh Clarifying a mistake was accidental
I didn’t think it through Lo siento, no sé en qué estaba pensando lo ˈsjɛ̃nto | ˈno ˈse ɛ̃n ˈke ɛsˈtaβa pɛ̃nˈsãndo lo see-en-toh no say en keh es-tah-bah pen-san-doh Admitting a lapse in judgment
It wasn’t intentional Perdón, no quise hacerlo pɛɾˈðõn | ˈno ˈkise aˈsɛɾlo pear-don no key-seh ah-ser-lo Clarifying a mistake was accidental.

How to Say Sorry in Spanish – Top 10 Ways in 2024

Saying sorry is important in every language, and it’s something everyone understands, no matter where they’re from. Spanish is the second most spoken language in the world, and it has many different ways to express an apology.

The most common way to say sorry in Spanish is “Lo siento”. This phrase is versatile and can be used in both formal and informal settings. It directly translates to “I feel it,” reflecting a personal empathy towards the situation or the person affected.

In this article, we’re going to explore the different expressions for saying “sorry” in Spanish.

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