Ringing Effect in Image Processing

An image having uneven sharp edges is called a ringing effect image. It is also known as the overshoot effect.

The ringing or overshoot effect is produced by the edge enhancement filter. The solution to the ringing effect depends upon the parameter of the problem: if the cause is a low-pass filter, we can choose a different filter design. Where we can not replace the filter in case of a band-limited signal which results in difficulties in fixing the ringing artifacts.

What is Image Processing ?

Digital Image Processing is an on-demand technique and plays a crucial role in this evolving era. Digital Image Processing is a process that involves analyzing and manipulating images digitally via computer to make them more informative for human interpretation and picture information for tasks such as maintaining storage, fast transmission, and extraction of pictorial data. This is used in various domains such as automation, medicine, remote sensing, and more.

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What is Digital Image Processing?

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Origin of Digital Image Processing

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Ringing Effect in Image Processing

An image having uneven sharp edges is called a ringing effect image. It is also known as the overshoot effect....

Applications of Digital Image Processing

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In conclusion, Digital Image Processing helps to enhance, sharpen, restore and makes images more informative. Digital Image Processing also helps in fast transmission, and storage and reduces memory consumption. For such techniques, Digital Image Processing is used in various industries. Digital Image Processing has limitless scope and increment in modern computing leads to fast development in computing and imaging in the future....

Frequently Asked Questions on Image Processing – FAQ’s

Why image compression is important?...