Root Mean Square Error in R

Root Mean Square Error (RMSE) is a widely used metric in statistics and machine learning to measure the accuracy of a predictive model. It quantifies the difference between predicted values and actual values. In R, solving RMSE-related issues is essential for validating and improving model performance.

How to calculate Root Mean Square Error in R

Here are the basic example for calculating the Root Mean Square Error in R Programming Language.

# Sample data
observed <- c(2, 4, 6, 8, 10)   # Observed values
predicted <- c(3, 5, 7, 9, 11)  # Predicted values

# Calculate residuals
residuals <- observed - predicted

# Calculate mean squared error
mse <- mean(residuals^2)

# Calculate root mean squared error (RMSE)
rmse <- sqrt(mse)

# Print RMSE
print(paste("Root Mean Squared Error (RMSE):", rmse))


[1] "Root Mean Squared Error (RMSE): 1"

What are the errors occurs to Solve Root Mean Square Error

When we calculate the Root Mean Square Error there are some types of errors occur so we will discuss all of them and also try to solve those errors.

Types of errors occur in Root Mean Square Error:

  1. Data Mismatch
  2. Non-Numeric Data
  3. Handling Missing Data
  4. Improper Data Types

These are the errors occur in Root Mean Square Error. now we will discuss all of them in detail.

1: Data Mismatch

Data mismatch occurs when the dimensions of observed and predicted values do not match.

# Data mismatch example
observed <- c(3, 6, 9, 12, 15)
predicted <- c(2.8, 6.2, 8.8)  # Predicted values missing

# Attempting to calculate RMSE
rmse <- function(observed, predicted) {
  sqrt(mean((observed - predicted)^2))

rmse_value <- rmse(observed, predicted)


Warning message:
In observed - predicted :
  longer object length is not a multiple of shorter object length

For solving this error we verify that the observed and predicted values are aligned correctly. If they have different dimensions, arithmetic operations like subtraction cannot be performed, leading to errors.

# Data mismatch solution
observed <- c(3, 6, 9, 12, 15)
predicted <- c(2.8, 6.2, 8.8, 11.5, 15.2)  

# Correct RMSE calculation function
rmse <- function(observed, predicted) {
  sqrt(mean((observed - predicted)^2))

rmse_value <- rmse(observed, predicted)


[1] 0.2863564

2. Non-Numeric Data

RMSE calculations require numeric data, but non-numeric data is provided.

# Non-numeric data example
observed <- c(3, 6, 9, "12", 15)  # Character data "12" included

# Attempting to calculate RMSE
rmse <- function(observed, predicted) {
  sqrt(mean((observed - predicted)^2))

predicted <- c(2.8, 6.2, 8.8, 12, 15.2)
rmse_value <- rmse(observed, predicted)


Error in observed - predicted : non-numeric argument to binary operator

For RMSE calculations require numeric data. If non-numeric data, such as characters, is included in the datasets, arithmetic operations cannot be performed, resulting in errors. Converting non-numeric data to numeric format ensures compatibility for RMSE calculations.

# Non-numeric data solution
observed <- c(3, 6, 9, 12, 15)  # Ensure all values are numeric
predicted <- as.numeric(c(2.8,6.2,8.8,"11.5",15.2))#Convert non-numeric data to numeric

# Correct RMSE calculation function
rmse <- function(observed, predicted) {
  sqrt(mean((observed - predicted)^2))

rmse_value <- rmse(observed, predicted)


[1] 0.2863564

3. Handling Missing Data

RMSE calculations may fail if there are missing values in the data.It returns NA.

# Missing data example
observed <- c(3, 6, NA, 12, 15)  # NA (missing value) included

# Attempting to calculate RMSE
rmse <- function(observed, predicted) {
  sqrt(mean((observed - predicted)^2))

predicted <- c(2.8, 6.2, 8.8, 12, 15.2)
rmse_value <- rmse(observed, predicted)


[1] NA

Missing values (NA) in the datasets can disrupt RMSE calculations. Handling missing data through appropriate methods like imputation or removal ensures accurate RMSE estimation. Mean substitution replaces missing values with the mean of available data, while removal of incomplete cases excludes observations with missing values.

# Missing data solution
observed <- c(3, 6, NA, 12, 15)
predicted <- c(2.8, 6.2, 8.8, 12, 15.2)

# Handle missing values (NA) by removing them
observed <- observed[!]
predicted <- predicted[!]

# Trim predicted vector to match the length of observed vector
predicted <- predicted[1:length(observed)]

# Correct RMSE calculation function
rmse <- function(observed, predicted) {
  sqrt(mean((observed - predicted)^2))

# Compute RMSE with aligned vectors
rmse_value <- rmse(observed, predicted)



[1] 2.197726

4. Using Improper Data Types

Using improper data types for observed or predicted values can cause errors.

# Improper data types example
observed <- c(3, 6, 9, 12, 15)
predicted <- as.character(c(2.8, 6.2, 8.8, 11.5, 15.2)) # Predicted values as character

# Attempting to calculate RMSE
rmse <- function(observed, predicted) {
  sqrt(mean((observed - predicted)^2))

rmse_value <- rmse(observed, predicted)


Error in observed - predicted : non-numeric argument to binary operator

Using improper data types, such as characters instead of numeric values, leads to errors during RMSE calculations. Converting data to appropriate types, such as numeric, ensures compatibility for arithmetic operations required in RMSE computation.

# Improper data types solution
observed <- c(3, 6, 9, 12, 15)
predicted <- as.numeric(c(2.8,6.2,8.8,11.5,15.2)) # Ensure predicted values are numeric

# Correct RMSE calculation function
rmse <- function(observed, predicted) {
  sqrt(mean((observed - predicted)^2))

rmse_value <- rmse(observed, predicted)


[1] 0.2863564

Solving RMSE(Root Mean Square Error) Calculation Errors in R

In this article, we will discuss what Root Mean Square Error and what kind of errors occur, and how to solve those errors in R Programming Language.

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Root Mean Square Error in R

Root Mean Square Error (RMSE) is a widely used metric in statistics and machine learning to measure the accuracy of a predictive model. It quantifies the difference between predicted values and actual values. In R, solving RMSE-related issues is essential for validating and improving model performance....


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