Round-4: (Technical Interview Round 2)

  • My second interview happened on the same day it was taken by Manager.
  • This time the interviewer called me only 5 mins before the interview and asked me to join immediately (Honestly it was strange)
  • The interview started with an introduction.
  • Then he asked me about software testing and automated testing.
  • Ref Article:
  • After that, he asked me open MS Excel and asked to draw a 3 X 3, matrix and then he explained to me a match-the-pair game and asked me to test it. (Here is a sample Game Board)

Match the Cards

  • After this question, he asked me, “Out of 5, how much you will rate yourself? “, I said “4”, then he asked me to write a code for the Problem Statement: You are given a bucket in the matrix and each bucket will contain either ‘Balck’,’Red’,’Gree’, No ball and you have to separate all of them according to their color. I simply opened my IDE and coded it in 5 to 6 mins. he was happy with my code.
  • Then he asked me: “Why QA ?”, I answered this question properly. Ref Article::
  • Then he asked me to write test cases for WhatsApp.I wrote around 40 test cases in my notepad and then explained them to him.
  • Ref Article:
  • Then he asked me: “Do you have any questions ?”, I asked “Can I know on which tech stack we work ?”, he answered “HR will let you know” He Said “Your HR Interview will Happen tomorrow” and then the meet was ended, I was pretty happy with my performance, he seemed pretty satisfied with my answers.

Tips: Prepare Test Cases for Apps like (Gmail, Whatsapp, Instagram, etc), and study testing fundamentals.

My HR interview was going to happen on next day, but I didn’t receive any update from the company.

So, this was all about my experience, I hope it will help you.

EQ Technologic Interview Experience for QA Engineer (On-Campus)

EQ Technologic visited our campus for two roles: Software Developer and QA Engineer. As an ENTC student, I was eligible to apply for the QA Engineer Role. The process took a total of 5 rounds.

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