Round- 2 (PSDS)

In this round, the interviewer will give a quick introduction and ask for your quick introduction. Then they shared a Google document with 2 questions. We have to write our code in the same Google document. Here are the 2 questions I was asked.

Do not get tense as it’s not going to help. Think out loud so that the interviewer can understand your way of approach and help you with any clues. I got so nervous in this round and took a lot of clues. I was not satisfied with my performance. I felt I could have done much better.

Flipkart Interview Experience for SDE-2

I participated in a Flipkart drive for the SDE-2 role. I did apply through a LinkedIn post shared by one of the recruiters. I did not have to take any coding tests. They directly started with the machine coding round.

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