Round 4 (Technical Round – lll )

Duration: 1 hour 15 min: –

Then she started asking my current semesters subject I told all of them then we had a little discussion on it. Then she started asking questions from c language, OOPS. She asked all the concepts form OOPS like class, objects, pillars, access specifiers, advantage of OOPS over structured programing, disadvantages of OOPS, abstraction, then she asked me to implement the abstract class, I coded it with the virtual function. She is totally satisfied with this.

The she moved to the DSA part then she asked me a question called find duplicates.

I had to explain all the approaches with the time and space complexities and then i coded the optimized approach. Then she moved to the Project. I added 3 projects in my resume, she asked me to explain the most recent one, then she asked “tell me one of the most challenging feature you have created in this project, what are the challenges you faced while creating it and how you resolved it”. I gave the answer of this question in detail and she is totally satisfied with the answer.

Accolite Interview Experience for Software Engineer (On-Campus) 2024

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