Round 3: Interview Round (Final Round)

  • In this round, I was the sole candidate interviewed by a friendly interviewer.
  • The interview began with introductions, and she asked me about my projects.
  • She then asked me to revisit the email validation question from the coding round on a shared, editable page, assessing my logical thinking and ability to apply instructions.
  • Next, she presented an encoding sequence question and requested a step-by-step code explanation. The interviewer was supportive and offered guidance.
  • I was asked to perform a dry run of my solution.
  • We discussed Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) concepts, focusing on encapsulation.
  • Then, she guided me through implementing an application using OOP principles, composition, constructors, and inheritance. The interviewer was interested in assessing my OOP knowledge.
  • The interview concluded with an opportunity for me to ask questions.

TIP : Try to be real, Focus on OOPS and your introduction. You must know common interview question and the way to answer them. Wear Formal . Get a nice comfortable place with clear background to sit.

Overall, it was a rigorous but rewarding interview process. The interviewers are supportive, and it’s essential to focus on understanding the problem and demonstrating your problem-solving abilities.

DeltaX Interview Experience for Associate Product Engineer

I’m thrilled to share my interview experience with you as I successfully made it through the selection process for contributing to Geeks for Geeks. Here’s how it went:

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