
Round 1: Quant and Aptitude Round

This first round was an online test lasting 80 minutes, focusing on quantitative aptitude and reasoning. The questions weren’t overly difficult, and if you have some hands-on knowledge of Quantitative Aptitude and reasoning, you could solve the questions easily.

I attempted every question within those 80 minutes and most of my answers were correct, hence, I cleared the first round.

Round 2: Business Round or Technical Interview

After clearing the first round, I was both happy and nervous. I received the invitation for the second round and had almost three days to prepare. It was an online interview.

On the day of the interview, I was extremely nervous. The interview began around 5:45 PM while I was in my hostel. It started with the common prompt, “Tell me about yourself!” I provided a brief introduction including my personal details (name and city), my education, my projects, and my areas of interest.

The interviewer then asked about my major technology, which was Python at the time. Following my response, he asked basic questions about the language, such as its key features and data types. He also queried the differences between Java and Python and why I had chosen Python over Java. I managed to answer some questions, but clearly stated “no” to others I couldn’t answer.

Two days later, I received an email notifying me that I did not advance past the interview round.

What mistakes did I make?

I made several errors which led to my elimination. I had prepared for high-level concepts such as Data Structures and Algorithms, Object-Oriented Programming, and Operating Systems but had neglected the fundamentals of the language. I was able to answer some complex questions but failed on the basics. Additionally, I outright refused to answer questions I didn’t know, rather than explaining why I couldn’t answer at that moment. Moreover, I lacked eye contact with the interviewer, which likely conveyed a lack of confidence.

After this experience, I prepared thoroughly and corrected these mistakes. As a result, I appeared for interviews at two companies a month later and was selected by both.

This was my overall experience with Wipro. I hope you found it insightful and enjoyable.

Wipro WILP Interview Experience

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Round 1: Quant and Aptitude Round...