Routing FROM Consumer

Spring Cloud Stream allows apps to deliver messages to dynamically bound destinations in addition to static ones. This is helpful, for instance, if runtime target destination determination is required. Applications have two options for doing this.

By providing the name of the destination to be resolved in the header set, you can also assign the task of dynamically resolving the output destination to the framework.


public class SourceDestination {
    // Define a function that sets the payload and destination header
    public Function<String, Message<String>> destinationAsPayload() {
        return value -> {
            // Build a message with the payload and set the destination header
            return MessageBuilder.withPayload(value)
                    .setHeader("", value)

Routing Sources

Finally, let us see a further common application of a route “FROM”, in which the data source is external to SCSt yet has to be sent to the correct location:


public class SourceDestination {
    private static final String ID_KEY = "id";
    private ObjectMapper jsonMapper;
    // Create an EmitterProcessor and a FluxSink to emit messages
    private final EmitterProcessor<Map<String, String>> processor = EmitterProcessor.create();
    private final FluxSink<Map<String, String>> fluxSink = processor.sink();
    // Handle HTTP POST requests with dynamic destination based on payload
    @PostMapping(path = "/", consumes = "*/*")
    public void handleRequest(@RequestBody String body,
                              @RequestHeader(HttpHeaders.CONTENT_TYPE) Object contentType) {
        try {
            // JSON body into Map
            Map<String, String> payload = jsonMapper.readValue(body, new TypeReference<Map<String, String>>() {});
            String destination = payload.get(ID_KEY);
            if (destination != null) {
                // Create a message with payload and set the destination header
                Message<Map<String, String>> message = MessageBuilder
                        .setHeader("", destination)
                // Emit the payload to the defined destination
            } else {
                // Handle case where destination is not specified
                // You might want to log or perform some other action here
        } catch (Exception e) {
            // Handle exceptions that might occur during JSON parsing or message processing
            // You might want to log or perform some other action here
    // Define a Supplier bean to act as the source of the Flux
    public Supplier<Flux<Map<String, String>>> source() {
        return () -> processor;

Spring Cloud Stream – Event Routing

Spring Cloud Stream Event Routing is the ability to route events to a specific event subscriber or a specific destination. Routes ‘TO’ and ‘FROM’ will be used here. Using the Spring Cloud Stream architecture, developers may create extremely scalable event-driven microservices that are integrated with common messaging platforms. With support for persistent pub/sub semantics, consumer groups, and stateful partitions, among other features, the framework offers a versatile programming paradigm that is based on well-known and established Spring idioms and best practices.

Dependencies to Spring Cloud Stream

First, we must add the appropriate binder implementation library in our application before we can activate Spring Cloud Stream. The spring-cloud-stream-binder-rabbit artifact is required as we are connecting with RabbitMQ. There are no further dependencies that need to be included because it references all other necessary libraries.


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