Ruby Strings

Ruby strings are Mutable, and created using single quote(‘ ‘) or double quote(” “) without mentioning the data types.

 Example 1: 


# Ruby code implementation 
# for creation of Ruby Strings
# using single quotes
 puts 'Ruby String using single quotes in GFG!'
# using double quotes
 puts "Ruby String using double quotes in GFG!"
# storing string into variables
 str = "Ruby String using variable in GFG!"
# displaying string
 puts str


Ruby String using single quotes in GFG!
Ruby String using double quotes in GFG!
Ruby String using a variable in GFG!

Double quotes interpolate the variables whereas single quotes can’t interpolate.

Example 2:


# Ruby code implementation to 
# show single and double quotes
str1 = 'Hello Geeks!'
str2 = "Hello GFG"
# using single quotes
puts '#{str1}'  
puts '#{str2}'  
puts "#{str1}"  
puts "#{str2}"  


Hello Geeks!
Hello GFG

Accessed by mentioning the index inside the square bracket[].

Example 3:


# Ruby code implementation 
# for accessing of Ruby Strings
 str = "w3wiki"
# accessing the specified substring
 puts str["Geeks"]
# print a single character from a 
# string using positive index
 puts str[2]
# print a single character from a 
# string using negative index
 puts str[-2]
# print string in a range using comma(,)
 puts str[4, 10]
# print string in a range using(..) operator
 puts str[4 .. 8]



To know more about please refer Ruby Strings article.

Ruby Containers

In Ruby, we can easily put method definition inside a container class, then create new objects by sending the new message to that class like most scripting languages. Ruby has a built-in module called Enumerable that’s included by Strings, Array, Hash, Range, and other classes that represent a collection of values. There are mainly four kinds of containers that represent a collection of data in Ruby:

  • Strings: A string is a sequence or set of one or more characters.
  • Arrays: Arrays are the collection of ordered, integer-indexed objects.
  • Hashes: Hashes are collections of unique <key, value> pairs.
    • It is often known as associative arrays, maps, or dictionaries.
    • It is unordered.
  • Ranges: Ranges depict a set of values between starting and endpoints. Values can be range, character, string, or objects.

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