Rules & Regulations

The rules and regulations that you need to remember while participating in this  #100DaysofCode challenge are as follows:

  • Post a screenshot, use the hashtag #100daysofcodewithGFG & tag us!
  • You may write about your approach, experience, or anything you’d like to share with respect to the problem.
  • Anyone who misses out on a day can still continue from the next day onward & continue earning Geek Bits for POTD rewards.
  • If you missed starting the competition on 15th September, worry not! You can still enter the competition and begin your Day 1 from any day till 19th September 2021 (included).

So, if you want to take your programming skills to the next level and become a great programmer then you must participate in this exciting #100DaysofCode Challenge without giving a second thought!

100 Days of Code with GFG – Get Committed to a Challenge!

If you’ve ever tried to learn and master any skill or excel in any of the fields whether it be public speaking, swimming, investing, etc. then the thing that you surely would’ve known is the importance of Consistency! And this concept of consistency applies while learning and enhancing your programming skills as well.  

Yes, apart from the well-planned learning roadmap, quality learning resources, etc. – you’re required to maintain consistency throughout the journey to make real progress and become a great programmer!

Now, you must be thinking, how can you do that…right??

Okay, to help you out with this, w3wiki is coming up with the most worthwhile, 100 Days of Code Challenge for you where you will solve one programming question every day for not just 10 or 20 days but complete 100 days to level up your programming skills. In short: 100 days, 100 Problems, Solve 1 Problem Each Day —- and this is how you’ll master Programming!!

Let’s get to know about this #100DaysofCode Challenge in detail

Starting it from the scratch, #100DaysofCode was started by Alexander Kallaway in 2016 to encourage regular coding habits among coders. It is often said that it takes at least 21 days to form a habit. That’s more than four times in this challenge! We, at w3wiki, have coupled this challenge with the <Problem of the Day/>. Each day will bring before you a new problem to solve. There’s just one rule:

You have to attempt this challenge every day, for 100 days.

Why? Because through this initiative, we want you to inculcate a regular coding habit & finally, be a fine developer. When you look back at your first day after completing the challenge, not only would you be filled with pride, but you will see a person wanting to learn more & be better. A lot of people take part in this challenge. It takes consistency, determination & perseverance to complete it. Indeed, it is a remarkable opportunity for you to build your skills & your problem-solving abilities.

Some of the prominent features along with the details like schedule, etc. of this 100 Days of Code Challenge at w3wiki are listed below:

  • The challenge will start on 15th September 2021.
  • Each day, a new problem would be posted on the <POTD/> portal. You have to solve the problem & document your journey on Twitter, using the hashtag #100daysofcodewithGFG.
  • Assured rewards for participants who complete their 100 days of journey with us!

Note: You can easily get started with the 100 Days of Code challenge and solving the problems by visiting this link: ‘Problem Of The Day’ challenge. After clicking on this particular link, you’ll be redirected to a new page where you’ll find all the problems, and you can start to solve the problem, as per the schedule, by clicking on the ‘Solve Problem’ button.  

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Rules & Regulations:

The rules and regulations that you need to remember while participating in this  #100DaysofCode challenge are as follows:...