SAML (Security Assertion Markup Language)

SAML is the most widely used specifications family for browser-based federated sign-on for cloud users. After the user authenticates himself to the identity service he can access the provisioned cloud services that come under the trusted domain, Since the security assertion markup language enables the delegation by using risk-based authentication policies customer can select to use strong authentication for specific cloud services, which can be achieved by using the organization’s identity providers(IdP) which supports strong and delegated authentications. By using this authentication technique the users are less vulnerable to attacks.

Strong authentication is advisable to protect the credentials of users from man-in-the-middle attacks, thus supporting a SAML standard enables an authentication model for cloud customers.


Standards and Protocols in IAM for Cloud Services

Pre-requisite: IAM

In this article, we’ll discuss the IAM standards that act as an impetus for organizations who want to use or upgrade their services to the cloud, organizations that are currently using the cloud services should also be taken into consideration by the cloud services providers’ commitment for supporting the IAM standards.

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