Sample of Website Feedback Form

A sample website feedback form can be as follows:

Question 1. How many times have you visited the website in the past month?


  1. Once
  2. More than once
  3. None

Question 2. What is your primary reason for visiting the website?


  1. To purchase courses
  2. To read articles
  3. To contribute
  4. None of the above

Qualities of a Good Questionnaire and Types of Questionnaires

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Meaning of Questionnaire

A questionnaire is a research instrument used by any researcher as a tool to collect data or gather information from any source or subject of his or her interest from the respondents. It has a specific goal to understand topics from the respondent’s point of view. It consists of a set of written or printed questions with a choice of answers devised for survey or statistical studies. It is the most popular type of primary data collection, which can be used to gather both quantitative data ( in the form of numerals) and qualitative data (in the form of words and figures) or mixed data, which is a continuation of both quantitative and qualitative data....

Sample of Website Feedback Form

A sample website feedback form can be as follows:...

Types of Questionnaires

In a broader sense, there are two types of questionnaires:...

Qualities of a Good Questionnaire

1. Limited Number of questions: The number of questions in the questionnaire should be as limited as possible, and questions should be asked only related to the purpose of the inquiry....

Types of Questions in Questionnaire

Broadly, There are two types of questions, i.e. Closed-ended and Open-ended:...