Sample Problems on Linear Graph

Here we have provided you with some sample problems to help you better understand the concepts.

Problem 1: Plot (3, 4) on the graph 


As in graph points are denoted in the form of (x, y)

So, on comparing the points:

x = 3 and y = 4. 

First, draw x = 3 moves in the forward direction to x = 3. 

Now, draw y = 4 moves in the upward direction to (3, 4).

Problem 2: Locate the given points on the graph.

  1. (1, 2)
  2. (2, 8)
  3. (4, 2)


For x = 1 and y = 2. Starting from (0, 0) origin we move x = 1 direction forward and from there we move y = 2 direction upward then finally reaching state is our point.

Similarly, plot the rest of the two points on Graph.

Problem 3: Plot the following points and verify if they lie on the line.

  1. (0, 1), (0, 2), (0, 4), (0, 3)
  2. (1, 1), (2, 2), (3, 3), (4, 4), (5, 5)


1. Plotting (0, 1), (0, 2), (0, 4), (0, 3) on graph

We can draw every coordinate on graph sheet as follows .

Here it forms a line after joining all the points.

 2. Plotting (1, 1), (2, 2), (3, 3), (4, 4), (5, 5) on graph

Note: In each of the above cases, the graph obtained by joining the plotted points is a line. Such graphs are called linear graphs.

Problem 4: Amit can ride a bike at a constant speed of 30 km/hour. Draw a time-distance graph for this situation and find it 

(i) Time is taken by Amit to ride 75 km.

(ii) Distance covered by Amit in 3.5 hours.


Hours of ride Distance covered

1 hour

2 hours

3 hours

4 hours

30 km

2×30 = 60km

3×30 = 90km

4×30 =120km 

The table so formed is:

Time (in hours) 1 2 3 4
Distance covered (in km) 30 60 90 120

Consider the Scale: 

Horizontal: 2 units = 1 hour

Vertical: 1 unit = 10 km

Mark time on horizontal axis.

Mark distance on vertical axis

Plot points: (1, 30), (2, 60), (3, 90), (4, 120)

On joining the points the required linear graph is obtained.

(i) From the above graph it is concluded that on the vertical axis corresponding to the distance 75 km, the time is 2.5 hours on the horizontal axis. Thus, 2.5 hours are needed to cover 75 km. 

(ii) Similarly, on the horizontal axis corresponding to time 3.5 hours, the distance covered is 105 km on the vertical axis.

Problem 5: A public bank provides 10% interest on deposits by senior citizens. Plot a graph representing the relation between the deposited amount and the interest earned by senior citizens and state the following things from the graph so plotted:

(i) The interest earned annually for an investment of ₹ 450.

(ii) The amount of money deposited to earn the interest of ₹ 35.

Amount deposited (in ₹)






Interest earned (in ₹)







Consider the Scale: 

Horizontal: 1 unit = ₹ 10

Vertical: 1 unit = ₹ 100

Mark interest earned on horizontal axis.

Mark amount deposited on vertical axis.

Plot the points: (10, 100), (30, 300), (50, 500), (70, 700) and (90, 900) on the graph.

On joining the points the required linear graph is obtained.

(i) From the above graph it is concluded that on the vertical axis corresponding to the amount deposited ₹ 450, the interest earned is ₹ 45 on the horizontal axis. Thus, ₹ 45 are earned on the deposit of ₹ 450. 

(ii) Similarly, on the horizontal axis corresponding to interest earned 35%, the amount deposited is ₹ 350 on the vertical axis.

What is Linear Graph? Definition, Equation, Examples

Linear Graph: A Linear Graph is a graphical representation that discusses the relationship between two or more quantities or variables. In the case of any two variables, the relation between these two variables can be drawn by constructing the table of values if the rule for that relation is mentioned.

At least two point coordinates should be known to plot a straight-line graph. These points must fit the rule and such graphs when drawn are termed Linear graphs. In this article, we will discuss linear graph definition, how to plot Linear Equation on a Graph, difference between Linear Graph and Line Graph, along with some Sample Problems on Linear Graph to help you get a better idea of the concepts.

Table of Content

  • Linear Graph Definition
  • Linear Graph Equation
  • Standard Form of Linear Equation and Linear Graph Examples
  • How To Plot Linear Equation On a Graph
  • Difference between Linear Graph and Line Graph
  • Application of Linear Graphs
  • Sample Problems on Linear Graph
  • Linear Graph – FAQs
    • What is the Slope of a Linear Graph?
    • What is the X-Intercept of a Linear Graph?
    • What is the Y-Intercept of a Linear Graph?
    • What is the Standard Form of a Linear Equation?

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