Scientific Names of Common Flowers

Here is the list of scientific names of flowers:

Common Name of Flower

Scientific Name

Family Name



Rosa spp.


The genus Rosa contains more than 100 species.


Helianthus annuus


Sunflower is recognized by its huge bright yellow flower head.


Bellis perennis


These Flowers are frequently related to innocence and simplicity.




One of the largest plant families with diverse species.


Narcissus spp.


Daffodils are beautiful trumpet-shaped flowers in a range of colours.


Lilium spp.


They are basically fragrant flowers.


Hibiscus spp.


They are known for their vibrant petals.

Scientific Name of Common Flowers

Scientific names of flowers are used for categorizing flowers based on their genus and species. “Flowers” is a general term, and scientific names vary by species. For example, the scientific name for the rose is Rosa, and for the sunflower, it is Helianthus. Scientific names follow binomial nomenclature, with the first part representing the genus and the second part denoting the species. Each name reflects the flower’s taxonomy, contributing to a comprehensive understanding of its characteristics and relationships within the plant kingdom.

Table of Content

  • What is the Scientific Name of Flowers?
  • Scientific Names of Flowers
  • Flower Taxonomy
  • Characteristics of Flowers:
  • Conclusion – Scientific Name of Flowers

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