Scope, Access Level, and Visibility: Explained







Access Level

Always Public

Public / Private


Public Registry

Public / Private





npm publish

npm publish

Publishing (public scoped)

Not applicable

npm publish –access public

Introduction to packages and modules in npm

The Node Package Manager (npm) serves as a tool for the JavaScript programming language functioning both as a command line utility and package manager. It is the choice for managing dependencies and sharing packages within the NodeJS environment. The public npm registry acts as a centralized platform where developers can upload, discover, and incorporate packages (such, as libraries or modules) into their projects.

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Understanding the Public npm Registry

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Packages vs. Modules: The Building Blocks of npm

Packages: A package typically consists of a collection of code often comprising JavaScript files along with a package.json file. This particular file serves as the package identification card encompassing details such as its name, version number, dependencies, and scripts for project management. Packages range in scope from utility functions to comprehensive web application frameworks such, as React or Angular. Modules: A module is, like a JavaScript file that offers a particular reusable function. Modules make use of the require() function to bring in code from modules and utilize the exports object to showcase their own functionality. They promote organized and easily maintainable code....

Package Scopes: Organizing Your Packages

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Public vs. Private Packages: Controlling Access

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Scope, Access Level, and Visibility: Explained



Large ecosystem of packages: npm has a vast ecosystem of open-source packages that cater to a wide range of functionalities. Dependency management: npm helps you manage project dependencies efficiently. It tracks the exact versions of packages required by your project and ensures compatibility. Version control: npm allows you to specify the version of a package you want to install. This helps to ensure that your project works consistently across different environments. Offline usage: npm allows you to cache downloaded packages. This means that you can install packages even when you are not connected to the internet....