Selector aggregate stats in the performance tool

The performance tool’s Selector Stats function. Performance tool users can identify which CSS selectors are causing slow performance by using the Selector Stats data to determine which selectors take the longest to recalculate style.

Selector Stats

New Features of Microsoft Edge Developer Tools

In Edge, you get some tools that can be used for debugging web pages. These tools are Development tools that allow you to inspect the code, check network requests, improve performance, etc. There are many changes made to the DevTools of Edge in its subsequent version in 2023. From UI changes to added functionality there are many good changes made to some tools.

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Recent new features of Edge Developer Tools

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New icons and Buttons

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Profiling changes in the Performance tool

The V8 JavaScript engine periodically samples all the JavaScript functions that are executing while a profile is recorded in the Performance tool. This allows the engine to precisely report CPU time in the flame chart. These samples are time-consuming to gather when evaluating a website with a large number of cross-domain frames. Due to the substantial cost caused by this, the main thread becomes slower, which lowers the website’s performance during profiling. V8 gathers these samples more effectively, which improves site performance during the profiling process....

Selector aggregate stats in the performance tool

The performance tool’s Selector Stats function. Performance tool users can identify which CSS selectors are causing slow performance by using the Selector Stats data to determine which selectors take the longest to recalculate style....

Styles pane and Issues tool alert users to CSS properties that trigger Layout

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More than 1 GB of enhanced traces can be loaded using the Memory

The dev tools More than 1 GB of improved traces could not be loaded. We’ve resolved this issue. Improved traces of any size can now be loaded with success. Microsoft Edge has an experimental feature called “Enhanced Traces” that lets you export and import full DevTools instances with as much state as possible retained across the Memory, Performance, Elements, Console, and Sources tools. These files are stored as devtools files. Here are some references to source code DOM snapshots, Heap snapshots, Performance profiles, and Console messages....

Memory Tool Timing Changes

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Accessibility Improvements for the CSS Overview

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The Microsoft Edge Developer Tools are always being updated to provide developers with the necessary features. These tools provide a full suite for web development, including sophisticated debugging capabilities and responsive design testing. It is advisable to review the most recent documentation to see whether there have been any additions or improvements....