Self-Closing Tags

Self-closing tags like img, br, and input can be written without closing them explicitly in Pug.

img(src="/path/to/image.png", alt="Image")
input(type="text", name="username")

Tags in Pug View Engine

Tags play a crucial role in Pug templates, allowing developers to create structured and dynamic HTML content. Let’s explore the concept of tags in Pug in detail.

Table of Content

  • What are Tags in Pug?
  • Tag Attributes
  • Class and ID Attributes
  • Self-Closing Tags
  • Block Expansion
  • Dynamic Tag Names
  • Steps to Setup the Structure
  • Benefits of using Pug
  • Conclusion

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What are Tags in Pug?

Tags in Pug are used to define elements in the HTML output. They are similar to HTML tags but are written in a concise and indentation-based format, making Pug code more readable and less verbose compared to traditional HTML....

Tag Attributes

Tags can have attributes just like in HTML. Attributes are specified within parentheses and can include dynamic values using template interpolation....

Class and ID Attributes

Pug provides shortcuts for specifying class and id attributes using dot . and hash # notation. In the below syntax .navbar assigns the class “navbar” to the div element, while ul#menu assigns the id “menu” to the ul element....

Self-Closing Tags

Self-closing tags like img, br, and input can be written without closing them explicitly in Pug....

Block Expansion

Pug allows block expansion for writing multiple elements in a single line using the pipe | character....

Dynamic Tag Names

In Pug, tag names can be dynamic based on variables or conditions....

Steps to Setup the Structure:

Step 1: Create a Pug File with a .pug extension, for example, index.pug....

Benefits of using Pug

Simplified Code: Pug simplifies code structure, making it easier to read and manage. This streamlined approach not only improves load times but also enhances overall performance. Reusable Code: Pug facilitates code reusability through features like mixins, filters, and includes. This helps in organizing templates efficiently and avoids code duplication, saving time and effort. Dynamic Content Support: Pug seamlessly handles dynamic content such as variables and loops, enabling templates to adjust based on incoming data. This enhances development efficiency and flexibility. Concise and Clear Syntax: Pug’s syntax is designed for clarity, reducing the chances of errors. Its simplicity makes it accessible to developers of all skill levels, promoting a more collaborative coding environment....


Tags in Pug provide a powerful and expressive way to generate HTML markup efficiently. By understanding the syntax and features of tags in Pug, developers can create dynamic and structured templates for their web applications, enhancing productivity and readability in the development process. Experimenting with different tag combinations and features in Pug can lead to more elegant and maintainable code in your projects....