Sending SMS from Twilio

1. Entity – TwilioRequest


import lombok.AllArgsConstructor;
import lombok.Data;
public class TwilioRequest {
    private final String toPhoneNumber;
    private final String fromPhoneNumber;
    private final String message;

This is our Entity – TwilioRequest, It contains – message, the Twilio Number (sender) and the cell phone number (receiver)

2. RestController for Sending SMS


import com.w3wiki.Twilio.Entity.TwilioRequest;
import com.twilio.type.PhoneNumber;
import org.springframework.http.ResponseEntity;
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.*;
public class SmsController {
    public ResponseEntity<String> sendMessage(@RequestBody TwilioRequest twilioRequest) {
        // Check if RequestBody has valid data or NOT
        if (twilioRequest == null || twilioRequest.getFromPhoneNumber() == null
                || twilioRequest.getToPhoneNumber() == null || twilioRequest.getMessage() == null) {
            return ResponseEntity.badRequest().body("Invalid request data");
        // Extract Request Data
        String fromNumber = twilioRequest.getFromPhoneNumber();
        String toNumber = twilioRequest.getToPhoneNumber();
        String msg = twilioRequest.getMessage();
        // Create Message to be sent
        Message.creator(new PhoneNumber(toNumber), new PhoneNumber(fromNumber),
        return ResponseEntity.ok("SMS sent Succesfully !");

Explanation of above Program:

  • URL endpoint to send SMS: /sms/send. And we’ve used REST – POST Mapping to send SMS.
  • Firstly, we check if the data received in Request Body is valid or not. If its not, we won’t proceed further and return error – ‘Bad Request’, Status : 400.
  • If the request body is validated, we then extract the data into our entity (TwilioRequest), then create a Message using .creator() method which takes 3 parameters – To_Number(Receiver) , From_Number – Its the twilio number (sender) and the message.

3. RestController for Making Voice Calls


import com.w3wiki.Twilio.Entity.TwilioRequest;
import com.twilio.type.PhoneNumber;
import org.springframework.http.ResponseEntity;
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.*;
public class VoiceCallController {
    public ResponseEntity<String> makeVoiceCall(@RequestBody TwilioRequest twilioRequest) throws Exception {
        // Check if RequestBody has valid data or NOT
        // In this example, the message field doesn't have to be checked
        if (twilioRequest == null || twilioRequest.getFromPhoneNumber() == null
                || twilioRequest.getToPhoneNumber() == null) {
            return ResponseEntity.badRequest().body("Invalid request data");
        // Extract Request Data
        String fromNumber = twilioRequest.getFromPhoneNumber();
        String toNumber = twilioRequest.getToPhoneNumber();
        // Make a call
        Call.creator(new PhoneNumber(fromNumber), new PhoneNumber(toNumber),
                new URI("")).create();
        return ResponseEntity.ok("Call made Succesfully !");

Explanation of above Program:

  • URL Endpoint exposed to make the call: /call/voiceCall, POST Mapping used.
  • Just like the SMSController, we perform validation here. However, in this case we don’t really need a message. As this is going to be a sample voice call. Same validation is going to be checked, if the request body has valid data.
  • We call the creator() method of class – Call. And it also takes the parameters as the sender and receiver in which sender is the Twilio Number, & receiver is the cell phone number of a user.
  • URI – Uniform Resource Identifier is used to locate and access the resource. We’ve provided the sample voice message URI for testing purpose.

Note: Messages and voice calls can only be made to the number verified with twilio account if you have a trial account.

4. Spring Boot Application


import com.twilio.Twilio;
import org.springframework.boot.SpringApplication;
import org.springframework.boot.autoconfigure.SpringBootApplication;
public class TwilioApplication{
    // Twilio Credentials
    private final static String ACCOUNT_SID = "<Your_TWILIO_ACCOUNT_SID>";
    private final static String AUTH_ID = "<Your_TWILIO_AUTH_ID>";
      // Initializing the Twilio 
      // Java Library with our credentials
    static {
        Twilio.init(ACCOUNT_SID, AUTH_ID);
    // Start Spring Application
    public static void main(String[] args) {, args);}

Explanation of the above Program:

  • This is our Twilio Spring Boot Application code that contains the credentials to associate it with our account and perform all the REST Functionalities.
  • Now we can run this application and test our code on POSTMAN.

Postman SMS Controller Output:

Output Message Received on Cell:

PostMan VoiceController Output:

Once this is executed, you’ll receive a demo call from Twilio.

Spring Boot – Sending SMS with Twilio

Spring is a widely used framework of Java that allows us to create stand-alone and robust applications at the enterprise level. Spring boot is a tool or an extension of the Spring framework that makes developing web applications and microservices much faster and easier. It offers an integrated server & its auto-configuration feature makes it a top-notch tool for software development.

Twilio is a cloud communication platform that provides programmable communication tools – APIs for adding message, voice and video communication to your application. In this article, we’ll learn how to integrate Twilio API functionality using Spring Boot.

Pre-requisites of Topic

  • Java JDK version 8 or newer
  • Twilio Account: Free or Paid Twilio account, Twilio ACCOUNT_SID, Twilio AUTH_ID.
  • REST Controllers, Response entity, Post Man, Build Tool: Maven

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