Service Definition

The following discuss on the definition lines of Kubernetes resource type Service:

  • apiVersion: v1: Specifies the API version of the Kubernetes resource.
  • kind: Service: Declares that this resource is a Service.
  • metadata: Provides metadata about the Service.
  • name: nginx: Names the Service “nginx”.
  • labels: Associates labels with the Service.
  • app: nginx: Labels the Service with app:nginx.
  • spec: Defines the desired state of the Service.
  • ports: Lists the ports exposed by the Service.
  • port: 80: Exposes port 80.
  • name: web: Names this port “web”.
  • clusterIP: None: Specifies that this Service is a headless service, meaning it doesn’t have a cluster IP.
  • selector: Defines how to select the pods targeted by this Service.
  • app: nginx: Selects pods with the label app: nginx.

Kubectl Rollout Restart for Statefulset – Kubernetes

Stateful applications are managed via Kubernetes StatefulSets, a particular workload API object. They offer guarantees concerning the ordering and uniqueness of pods, in contrast to deployments. Applications like databases and distributed systems, which need trustworthy, unique network IDs and long-term storage, rely upon stateful sets.

They guarantee that every pod receives a distinct, accurate identification and storage, maintaining consistency even in the event of restarts. Due to this, StatefulSets are essential for applications that need consistent state and data integrity. All in all, they make it easier to manage stateful applications in a dynamic container environment like Kubernetes.

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StatefulSet Definition

apiVersion: apps/v1: Specifies the API version of the Kubernetes resource. kind: StatefulSet: Declares that this resource is a StatefulSet. metadata: Provides metadata about the StatefulSet. name: web: Names the StatefulSet “web”. spec: Defines the desired state of the StatefulSet. selector: Specifies how to select the pods managed by this StatefulSet. matchLabels: The labels used to match pods. app: nginx: Matches pods with the label app: nginx. serviceName: “nginx”: The name of the headless Service used by the StatefulSet. replicas: 1: Specifies the number of pod replicas (default is 1). minReadySeconds: 10: Specifies the minimum number of seconds for which a newly created pod should be ready without any of its containers crashing, for it to be considered available (default is 0). template: Defines the pod template for the StatefulSet. metadata: Provides metadata about the pod template. labels: Labels for the pod template. app: nginx: Labels the pods with app: nginx (must match .spec.selector.matchLabels). spec: Defines the pod specification. terminationGracePeriodSeconds: 10: The amount of time given to the pod to terminate gracefully before it is killed. containers: Lists the containers in the pod. name: nginx: Names the container “nginx”. image: Specifies the container image. ports: Defines the ports exposed by the container. containerPort: 80: Exposes container port 80. name: web: Names this port “web”. volumeMounts: Lists the volumes to be mounted into the container. name: www: Refers to the volume named “www”. mountPath: /usr/share/nginx/html: Mounts the volume at /usr/share/nginx/html. volumeClaimTemplates: Defines a template for PersistentVolumeClaims. metadata: Provides metadata about the PVC template. name: www: Names the PVC “www”. spec: Defines the specification of the PVC. accessModes: [“ReadWriteOnce”]: Specifies that the volume can be mounted as read-write by a single node. storageClassName: “my-storage-class”: Specifies the storage class to use. resources: Requests storage resources. requests: It used for specifying the requests. storage: 1Gi: Requests 1Gi of storage....

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