Set Up Cloud SQL For PostgreSQL Instance: A Step-By-Step Guide

Step 1: Open GCP Console

  • To get start with creating cloud SQL, we first need to log into Google Cloud Platform. In your web browser go to and log in with your valid credentials.
  • Please note that the services which we are going to use are not free, so make sure that you have a valid subscription or any trial benefits.

Step 2: Enable API

  • To move forward, we need to enable the Cloud SQL Admin API. In the cloud console, go to the APIs page.

  • Click on it, and in the next page select Enable APIs and services, which will open a search bar. Type Cloud SQL Admin API and select the API from search result.

  • This will open up the page showing details of this API. click on enable to use this API.

Step 3: Choose Database Instance

  • On your cloud console’s sidebar, select SQL, and you a new screen will open.
  • You will get database engine options to choose for your SQL database.

  • Here, we need to choose PostgreSQL, click on the choose PostgreSQL button.

Step 4: Create PostgreSQL Instance

  • Once we choose the database engine, now it’s time to set up the configurations to create a new database instance.

A) Instance Info: In place of Instance ID, give a name of your choice using the defined combinations. This is the ID given to the instance to identify it.

  • Set up the password for the instance and save it somewhere as we will be using it later. This is the root password for your database instance.
  • You can also choose to click on GENERATE to get a root password suggested for your instance.

B) Database Version: Choose the newest version available for the selected database. Currently the latest version available for PostgreSQL is 15, which is pre-selected.

C) Choose Cloud SQL Edition: In this section, we have two edition available for cloud sql which are Enterprise Plus and Enterprise.

  • The Plus edition provides high performance and reliability than the normal one.
  • You can choose any of these as per your requirements and budget. For this time, I am going with the Enterprise edition.
  • Now select the preset for the selected edition. Here we will be using “Development” which has 4 vCPU with 16GB RAM and 100GB of storage.

D) Region and Availability zone: Choose the region which is near to you or suitable for you work. You can also choose the pre-selected one if you want.

  • For availability Zone, choose Multiple Zone for high availability, otherwise choose Single Zone.

  • Leave all other settings as default and review all the configurations you have made so far. Then click on Create Instance.

  • Wait for few seconds and you will be able to see the created instance.

  • We have successfully created a Cloud SQL for PostgreSQL database.

Getting Started With Cloud SQL For PostgreSQL

In the field of cloud computing, Google Cloud Platform is one of the leading players. Cloud SQL is one of the very famous services in GCP. Google Cloud SQL is a completely managed relational database service. Among the various database engines supported by Google Cloud SQL, PostgreSQL is famous for it’s reliability and wide user base. Cloud SQL for PostgreSQL provides a reliable and high-performance environment to build, manage, and scale relational databases. In this article, we will learn how we can create and connect to a PostgreSQL instance and perform operations using a cloud console and client.

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