Setting Corresponding File Icon in Visual Studio Code

Step 1: Click on the Extension icon.


Step 2: Search for the Material Icon Theme and click on the top suggested extension.


Step 3: Click on the Install.


After completing this installation, this extension will set the file icons to their corresponding Icons. We saw this in Example, of how it works. 

How to Set corresponding File Icon in Visual Studio Code?

You can change the design of the folder icons using the Visual Icon Theme extension. Within VS Code, you can browse and install extensions. Click the Extensions icon in the Activity Bar on the side of VS Code or the View, as we demonstrated below. In this article, we are going to see, how to enable the corresponding file icon in Visual Studio Code using Material Icon Theme. Let’s look at the example. Default by Visual Studio Code:


Using Material Icon Theme Extension:


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Setting Corresponding File Icon in Visual Studio Code

Step 1: Click on the Extension icon....