Setting Up Amazon Keyspaces

IAM is used to control access to Amazon Keyspaces resources. You can attach rules that provide read and write access to particular resources in Amazon Keyspaces to IAM users, roles, and federated identities.

You can use one of the AWS-managed policies for Amazon Keyspaces to begin issuing access to an IAM identity:

  1. AmazonKeyspacesFullAccess: This policy allows users to have complete access to all features and resources within Amazon Keyspaces.
  2. AmazonKeyspacesReadOnlyAccess_v2: It gives Amazon Keyspaces read-only access.

What Is AWS Keyspaces? How To Setup AWS Keyspaces

AWS Keyspaces is a fully managed, scalable, and highly available NoSQL database service configured by Amazon Web Services (AWS) for people to use. It is based on Apache Cassandra Tech. With AWS Keyspaces, users can store, query, and manage semi-structured data efficiently without knowing how to manage the underlying infrastructure. It offers features such as automatic proper scaling, replication across multiple data centers for high availability, and built-in high-security controls. In essence, it provides a reliable and durable solution for storing and accessing large data sets in a cloud environment in a very effective way.

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