Shadow Mask Technique

Shadow Mask Technique in Computer Graphics is commonly used in raster-scan systems ( including color TV) because they produce a much wider range of colors than the Beam Penetration Method.

 It has three phosphor color dots at each pixel position. The first phosphor dot emits a red light, the second one emits a green light and the third emits a blue light. The phosphor transforms the Kinetic Energy of the electrons into Light Energy

 The Shadow Mask Technique involves the usage of three electron guns, one for each color dot, and a shadow-mask grid just behind the phosphor-coated screen. 


Shadow Mask Technique in Computer Graphics

Pre-requisites: CRT 

A CRT Monitor displays color pictures by using a combination of phosphorus that emits different colored lights. By combining the emitted light from the different phosphorous, a range of colors can be generated.

There are basically two techniques for producing color displays with a CRT the:

  1.  Beam-penetration method 
  2.  Shadow mask method 

In this article, we will purely discuss the Shadow Mask Technique.

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Shadow Mask Technique in Computer Graphics is commonly used in raster-scan systems ( including color TV) because they produce a much wider range of colors than the Beam Penetration Method....

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