Shipping Invoice Format

Shipping Invoice

Seller Information

Name: [Exporter’s Name]

Address: [Exporter’s Address]

GSTIN: [Exporter’s GST Number]

Buyer Information

Name: [Importer’s Name]

Address: [Importer’s Address]

GSTIN: [Importer’s GST Number]

Invoice Details

Invoice Number: [Unique Invoice Number]

Invoice Date: [Date of Issue]

Place of Supply: [City/State]

Description of Goods

S. No.

Product Description

HSN Code


Unit Price (INR)

Total Price (INR)


[Item 1 Description]

[HSN Code 1]

[Quantity 1]

[Unit Price 1]

[Total Price 1]


[Item 2 Description]

[HSN Code 2]

[Quantity 2]

[Unit Price 2]

[Total Price 2]

Total Invoice Value

Subtotal: [Subtotal Amount in INR]

GST @ [GST Percentage]: [GST Amount in INR]

Shipping Charges: [Shipping Charges in INR]

Total Amount Due: [Total Amount in INR]

Bank Details

Bank Name: [Bank Name]

Account Number: [Account Number]

IFSC Code: [IFSC Code]

Shipping and Delivery Details

Shipping Method: [Air/Sea/Road]

Expected Delivery Date: [Estimated Date]

Delivery Terms (Incoterms): [FOB, CIF, etc.]


We declare that this invoice shows the actual price of the goods described and that all particulars are true and correct.


[Authorized Signatory Name]


[Company Name]

Shipping Invoice: Format and Example

A shipping invoice, also known as a commercial invoice, is a legal document provided by the exporter to the importer. It outlines the essential details of the goods being shipped, including their quantity, price, and terms of sale.

In this article, we will delve into the shipping invoice format along with an example.

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